my whole body was shaking while my head was throbbing. My breath was unsteady. I could hear Barry and Rafe arguing again. Barry seemed like he wanted no part in this criminal case anymore. I could hear him leave. I tried to open my eyes to look for the exit, but everything was a blur.

"Guess it's just you and me doll face," I heard the creep call out to me. Walking over to caress my cheek. "stop it!" I tried fighting.

"fighting will only make it worse." He doesn't even have me tied up, he's confident on the number of drugs he fucked me up with, that I wouldn't be able to escape. I studied the room trying to get all the flaws into my memory. "eye's over here sweety."

"can you just tell me your marvelous plan on how your gonna convince me to date you?"


"How is he not gonna be here, people could just steal all of this you know?" Pope said as we looked around Barry's empty drug shed for any clues at all. We thought Rafe and his Boyfriend would be here but guess not. As were snooping around we hear someone calling for Rafe.

"Oh, Rafe," The girl's voice sang "I need my share since I did your dirty work." She walks into the van and meets face to face with the group. Vannessa. "Oh fuck... Your not Rafe, you're that hot surfer I kissed last night. Oh, thanks for letting me ruin you and your princess relationship." She smirked at me.

I tried to bolt to the girl, but John B held me back. "You bitch! You ruined everything! Where is she!" I shouted at the girl just looking for her money. 

"Your cry baby of a girlfriend? That I don't know, Rafe just told me to distract you and he'll handle the rest. I do remember overhearing him saying something about taking her somewhere? I don't know." She explained.

"You're literally no help, and besides, Azaleà was the one who caved your face in and smashed you to a fucking tree you whore." I rolled my eyes at her, John B still holding me back.

"You know nothing?" Pope turned to ask the girl. "No, Rafe is very. um, how do I say it?"

"psychopath that will do everything in his right mind to get what he wants, when he wants and won't give a shit what happens down the road?" I asked while smirking at the girl.

"exactly. I will tell you what his plan was, that I heard though," Vannessa started.


"How the hell are you going to sit here and tell me that you're better for me when you fucking abused me!" I yelled at the brunette.

"I don't fucking make out with a random chick while you left to go somewhere!" He snarled back not knowing what he just said. 

A wave of realization hit me. "How did you know JJ did that?"

"Because He's a pouge. They're untrustworthy." He defended getting a little too quiet. "No. Cut with that shit Rafe. How did you know?"

"I. Told. You. You can't ever trust a pouge."

"oh my god." my words slowly dropped out of my mouth. "You set him up. This was all part of your scheme wasn't it!"

"No, no, no! I've changed baby. you gotta believe me." He states squatting down to grab my hands. "Like I am ever going to believe you Rafe Cameron! God!" I shouted at him getting up from my chair, and getting all up in his face. He didn't like me standing my ground whatsoever. He slapped me across the face and shoved me against the wall nearby.

~JJ's POV~

"Now what the hell are you pieces of shit doing, goin through all my stuff?" Barry barges in scaring the living crap out of all of us. "Oh shit! I can't be seen by a drug dealer that won't look good on my scholarship!" Pope whines.

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