~Chapter one~

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"What the hell Azaleà," Rafe yells at you.

It was another normal day for me, where I do the slightest thing wrong and my boyfriend gets mad at me. 

"Why were you in the cut? Your gonna ruin your reputation and that will look bad on me," He continues.

"Well I'm sorry I wanted to be by the ocean and surf. You guys don't like doing that stuff so I thought I would get some alone time," I scolded.

"You can't go around and doing that shit babe." He spoke as he walked up to me.

"Well I'm sorry I try and have a life away from you." I mumbled as I tried and walk away. He got so pissed at that and took his hand around my throat. Then slamming me to the wall, while clenching his jaw.

"What was that?" He snarled. "Don't you ever disrespect me again bitch, You do as I say." His hand clenched harder around my throat as I hissed in pain. "You understand?" raising his voice.

I tried as hard as I could to get words out of my mouth but couldn't so I just nodded. Rafe released his grasp and finally stated, "We have dinner date tonight, look nice." Once he walked out of his room he slammed the door shut. I slowly slid down the wall and put my knees up to my chest. I started to softly cry.

But why? I mean this stuff has been happening so often. To the point its normal, we used to be such a great couple. Then one day, he just became abusive towards me. I try and keep telling myself its just a phase. He's going through some shit, he'll get over it. But it's been going on for eight months now. I honestly just don't know what to do anymore.

It's to the point I scared to be alone with him, I can't drink or wear something revealing because I'm scared that he'll take advantage of me. I can't talk about it to any of my friends because they'll think I'm crazy. I can't ask my parents for help because one, is a drug addict and is going to rehab. While my mom is always working her ass off on the mainland. I really have nobody.

I wiped my tears away and went into the bathroom to fix my appearance up. I decided to walk over to the Cameron's dock, where Rafe was, and tell him I was going home. Even though he's abusive and toxic I still love him. I think I do at least. We've been together since the eight grade, and he's been my first for everything. At the end of the day I just have to suck it up I guess. I don't know what else to do.

When I walked over by the dock, he was there on one of there boats just staring off into the water. "Hey, I'm leaving babe. I need to go home and find if I have something to where tonight." I said

"Okay. Hey come here." He signaled me over to sit on his lap. He was acting like he didn't just chock me to the wall. I walked over to him, because who knows what would of happened if I didn't. "I love you okay babe. I just want you to be safe, and the cut isn't," He sighed while kissing my cheek. The scary thing is that he thinks I feel safe with him and not on my own. That's the reason I'm scared of him.

"I love you too," I fake smiled. This was torture, I felt so wrong to say those words to him anymore. It's like I've lost all meanings to those words.

"You know reputation is all that matter right? I just don't want to jeopardize that."

I didn't say anything to him after that, like I didn't matter to him? It felt like he was holding my throat again, this time so I couldn't breath. I finally got up from his lap and pecked him on the lips. "I'll see you tonight."


As I arrived to my house nobody was home, not surprising at all. I walked though the door and dropped my keys on the kitchen counter. I slowly walked up the stairs and found my way to my room. I started scrambling around looking for something to wear. Even though I have many clothes none were gonna satisfy Rafe tonight. Even though its just the two of us, we were gonna be judged everywhere we went.

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