~Chapter two~

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My vision is finally working as I slowly flutter my eyes open. As my eyes we're opening I couldn't seem to figure out where I was. I rub my eyes to see if I my vision wasn't fully working yet, but it seemed to be wrong.

I looked around to try and figure out where I was, and it looked the opposite from figure eight. shit shit shit. I sat up quickly from the bed, I thought Topper brought me home. I felt a sharp pain go though my spine and the back of my head. I touched the back of my head to feel some dry blood.

I got up carefully and went over to the window in the bedroom, i couldn't tell where I was just by the outside. Oh my god Rafe. I needed to leave now, he's gonna give it to me when I see him.

I opened the bedroom door and shut it behind me quietly, and walked out to the living room. I heard distant voices coming from the outside. I poke my head out of the front door too look around and see a small group of people in a shack by the side of the house. I started walking very cautiously towards the scene.

"You know what I should've done? Let Topper drown your ass," I heard from a way too familiar voice. "Yeah cause Topper was gonna drown me," I heard a boy argue back, what were they talking about?

"sure looked like it. I mean man, have you looked in the mirror?" someone argued back.


I stepped on a loud branch to see JJ, John B, Pope, and Kiara. Oh shit what happened last night. As soon as I walked out they all looked at me with an confused expression on there faces.

"Shit I forgot she was here." JJ blurted out looking angry. "JJ I thought you were gonna take care of her?" Kiara asked the blonde.

"I thought you were," he raised his voice at her. I became uncomfortable with this situation, and started shifting back and forth. "Ok,what the hell happened last night?" I complained. "We'll talk about it later, so as I was saying John B," JJ scoffed. 

"No JJ, I have the right to know why the hell I don't remember shit, or why I'm here, or you know even why I have dry blood on the back of my head," I scolded back cutting him off. 

"Lets make a deal," John B told me all his friends gave him an even more confused look. "What kind of deal?" I questioned. "If you help me get something from the Cameron's boat, we'll tell you what happened last night," John B proposed.

"Were not letting a kook into this man! This is pogues only." JJ shouted, Pope and Kiara didn't seem to have any problem of what John B was saying.

"I'll do the deal with one condition," I spoke ," You tell me why the hell you need Cameron access?"

"Don't take that man then we'll have to tell her everything," JJ argued. "I agree with JJ on this one," Kie spoke up ,"She needs to prove to us that she can be trusted on this."

"I mean she did try and stop Topper from drowning your ass John B," Pope stated," I don't think a normal kook would of done that. I mean did you see Sarah try and help the situation?" 

I smiled at Pope's comment thinking there's at least one person here that doesn't seem to hate me. Kiara ended up agreeing with Pope's suggestion while JJ did not.

"Are you guys even hearing yourselves right now? We can't trust an outsider," JJ snapped at the teens. I felt very offended by what he had to say, I could too be trusted. He just doesn't know me.

"You didn't seem that way last night when she was in your arms in the van?" Kiara talked back grinning and winked her left eye to me. 

"You really wann-" JJ started. 

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