~Chapter six~

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I was out of breath. Painting for my last bubble of air. Hot and steamy tears flowing down the side of my face. I ended up at some beach in the cut.

 I sat down by the shoreline and watch the waves calmly roll in. The sound of peacefulness surrounding me. My my brain was working at top speed on trying to figure out what to do next. I just sat and stared trying my hardest to not think about Rafe.

"I was wondering when we would meet again," I heard a calm voice call out. I slowly moved my head roughly past my shoulders to look at a Blonde boy grinning boy walking my way. "The mission was a success, but I didn't see you with Kie."

My attention went back to the waves gliding across one another. The boy joined me and admired the ocean as well. 

"What are you doing up this late?" I asked trying to make small talk. "Couldn't sleep. I just need to walk, how about you." I asked sniffling. 

I felt the tears staring to form in my eyes. I bit the corner of my mouth and looked up at the moon. I tried to get an answer out but only thing that came out was tears.

"Hey hey hey. what's wrong?" JJ asked softly turning towards me. "Rafe," I manged to say. The boy look at me with concern as I continued. "We broke up. because he does a certain drug I lost my dad to."

"I'm so sorry princess." 

"Thats not even the worst part JJ," I said in annoyance trying to avoid this next conversation. I got up and started to walk away.

"Hey lets talk about it," Blondie stopped me and grabbed my hand.

"He's done it for nine months. nine months! and abused my every time he had withdraws! He lied to me about it, he could of asked for help early on. but he's an addict now!" I sobbed.

JJ gave me an apologetic look and pulled me in for a hug. He held me tight as I sobbed into his shoulder. He stroked my hair and swayed me back and forth. "He lied to me!" I cried out one more time.

"shhh, it's okay. I got you now," he whispered to me. When he swayed me I could feel his breathing and matched it with mine to calm me down. He pressed his chin on the top of my head and kissed it now and then.

He reaped soothing words like 'I'm here for you and I've got you.'

"Hey JJ?" I asked him all of a sudden. "Mhm?" He said while still stroking my hair. "I can't go home tonight. I don't know what to do. And what if Rafe is there?" I started panicking.

"Shh it's okay. You can crash with me and John B tonight at the Chatêau? Is that okay for you princess?" He says softly. "Are you sure?" I looked up only to meet his sparkly blue eyes. 

He smiled and nodded softly. 

"Thank you JJ." I smiled and laid my head back on his shoulder hugging him tight. "But we've got to go to the chateau now then princess. Otherwise John B will get suspicious." He said. 

We walked back to the chateau which was probably about five minutes away. We didn't talk the way there we just stuck close by each other and enjoyed the company. I looked up at the full dazzling moon and smiled to myself. 

maybe there are good things in the world. 

It was now closer to one in the morning, when we arrived. We made sure to be ever so quite when walking into the home. The door creaked open as we walked in. I looked around the unorganized home thinking this could be a fixer upper.

"Follow me," JJ whispered and put his pointer finger to his lips. He welcomed me to a guest room right across from John B's room. Where a passed out teen was lying. "you can crash here for tonight."

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