Epilogue: Spring Break Pt. 2

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"Bambi". A soft voice said, as I felt a hand going down my back. I looked up, to see and feel the feeling of being home.

"We're here". Dallas said, as he looked at me, and saw the forever vibrant smile on my face. And just like clockwork, Natalie emerged from the house. I ran out of the car, without any warning and leapt to her. I met her in the middle and sank into her arms. With finals I hadn't seen her in almost a month and it had put a strain on our relationship that phone calls wouldn't fix. She was my sister and one of my best friends, I hated being too far from her.

"I missed you". She said, wrapping her arms around me as I warmed into her embrace. I missed her crazily, I thought with college I would miss her more, and I was right. Not living with her anymore felt sad, although my room remained the same in her home. I would assume it would turn into one of the kids rooms, or a guest room.

Dallas appeared behind us, carrying the flowers we had picked up as Natalie hugged him and she smiled. I went back to grab our bags as Sallas brought in the rest. Nolan appeared behind the door, hugging us both and asking about the drive.

"Mellie". The voice sounded, as I looked down at my dear niece, Bella. I picked her up as she let out an airy giggle. "I missed you, bells". I said, kissing her cheek.

"Bella has been reading like crazy... I think she gets it from you". Nat said, tickling her little munchkin in my arms. I was so happy to be with them, feeling loved and safe in a home I knew I could depend on.

"Where's Arden?" I asked, looking around. He and Bella had a war going on between them about who is the oldest, but obviously it ended soon enough. Arden declared he was older. Arden's energy and manner resembled Nolan's, he was very protective over his sister and younger brother.

"He is at soccer practice... he just doesn't stop. I didn't want to put them in sports until later, or ever. I worry about my babies too much". Nat said, hugging baby Aster as she brought him out of his crib. Bells got down, talking between Nolan and Dallas.

"He's grown so much". I said, as Natalie handed me, Aster. He was wrapped in a small blue cloth as I took him. He was tiny, and cute and everything a baby should be.

"I'm just ready to get back to full time work". She said, and I had known it would be stressful for her to go back and to even be away from it for so long. I worked at the office with her remotely, I didn't write for but I took the proper classes to work on some things for the magazine. I was still stuck on what to do with my English degree and now my business degree as well, I would have it in a year. But still I wasn't sure where I belonged in the world. I just wasn't sure.

"How long are you staying for?" Nat asked, looking at me for something I knew she would ask. She needed help, or some alone time. And as someone that only had alone time with Dallas I would be happy to stay with the kids.

"We're leaving around eleven at night tomorrow, the flight is so long". I said, and she nodded her head, but still using those pleading eyes. "Please... can you watch them tonight?" She asked, and I immediately told her I would. She had done more than enough for me, it was time I repay her with what I can offer.

"Thank you so much". She pledged, wrapping her arms around my body. It felt good to sink in her arms and to forget everything that made me feel far from my family.

"Nolan and I haven't had a moment alone in forever, let's just say our sex life is on the edge of danger". She said looking over at Nolan, who was talking to Dallas. When I was living here before the kids, Natalie and Nolan used every second they could to fuck. Natalie used to make horrible jokes about their sex life.

"Why don't you guys start now?" I asked, looking over at my poor sister. I think she was a sex addict, the way she looked like she needed it. "You guys aren't trying for another one". I asked, and she looked at me and then Aster.

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