26: As Much As I Could Pt.2

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"Mel, please come back", he yelled, as I pushed open the front door running down the hill we had walked up together, hand in hand. Now there was blood in my hair, down my hands, small little bits of glass fell on the ground as I bolted down the hill.

I spun my head, seeing him chase after me as I bolted down the main road, and he couldn't bother chasing me anymore, he hopped in his car, I could hear the roar of the engine. I ran down the street, to a patch of trees, an area he couldn't get to.

I ran my hands through my hair, feeling scraps of glass leave my fingers bloody and bruised. I needed to call someone, I needed to leave here. I needed to find something. Natalie would know if my room was streaked in blood, the last thing I need is for her to think that I'm trying to end my life. Avery was out of the question, so was Caroline, especially Alison, so I sat in my patch waiting for rain, but I would be waiting a long time.

I wrapped myself in the jacket I held, trying to conceal the glass that soon fell from my skin. I had one person who could help. I pulled my phone out seeing the cash I had on my phone, and it was enough for a cab ride, so I called it, telling him to come the other way. I shook my hair, shaking the glass pieces out of my hair, but they still fell, pricking my skin.

I opened the door, and he didn't look at me for a second, just softly asked for an address. I turned towards the car door, pondering if I should just try sneaking into my house, I didn't want questions. I couldn't open my own lock to my window.

We came to the location as he let me out, leaving me in the dust, in front of that very familiar cabin that I had stayed at. I didn't know why I was here, I was covered in blood, my face had little nicks in it, my skin was smeared with its own pieces of glass still embedded in my skin.

I didn't want to ask for help, but how else was this supposed to end. Zeke found me and I was forced to stay with him for the rest of eternity so that I would never tell anyone what he had done to me.

I chose the safest option, he had to be home. I knocked on the door, turning my back as it opened and I turned around, watching his eyes examine my bloody face, my patchy skin, and puffy eyes. His eyes alone made mine tear up, he looked at me with the sincerest look, as he tried taking my hand, but I lurched back, stumbling against the wood porch.

He stared with such an urgency to help me, his look of concern was genuine, his face was focused on mine, yet I couldn't tell which part, the little scabs of glass that had nicked my skin or my puffy eyes, that still wept, which made everything around me a blurry mess. I myself was a mess.

"Holy Fucking Hell", he said, still in shock as he looked down and up at the smeared blood that went down my dress.

"What happened?" He asked, as I stepped inside the warm home, feeling finally safe after the ending of this day, feeling safety in his presence. His eyes prodded mine, searching for the reason that had made me bloody and whimpering.

I knew the answer to this.

I knew I had to tell him. He would take it into his own hands, and I would never even hear the name 'Zeke' again, but as I looked at him, alone. He had so much in life to already do, I didn't need to be another person he worried for, if he did. I couldn't anger him with my answer. I wouldn't be able to tell him about this, and this whatever it was, was the last time something like this would happen. I would leave town, I would leave the country, before I ever would experience that shit again. I had run from that for years, and I finally felt safe after so many years. I had a loving home and he was finally dead, but at this moment I felt like his ghost and curse against me forever lived, giving me no happiness or peace.

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