32: Everything Pt.2

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He slowly started to wake up, peering over at me, with this tired expression on his face. I guessed that the commotion surrounding us was what had woken him up. But he looked up, then leaned onto my shoulder, yawning.

"Are we already here?" He looked up and leaned across me lifting the window I had closed. His body brushed against mine, as he looked up.

I nodded my head, looking out the window he had opened and staring at the tarmac.

"Mesmerized by the tarmac, Bambi?" He asked, moving his fingers against my chin to make me look at him. This sleepy look he had, made him more breathtaking.

I didn't know whether to keep staring or not, I wasn't sure what to say, so my hands ran across the stem of my book.

"You annotated my book?" I asked him, looking through the pages.

"I wanted to understand you, all the little things you won't say, but you'll write down", he said, almost poetically. But who was I kidding, everything he said sounded like a poem, at least it serenaded me.

"Find anything interesting?" I asked him, looking through his annotations to avoid his eyes, his green eyes the color of nature, the one thing I escaped too.

"You love art, every form of it", he said, brushing the small hairs from my forehead behind my ear. It was done in such a delicate way, his fingers felt like flowers lightly glazing me.

I shared my knowledge of art throughout the book, the main character lived in an art museum, and told their story through the artworks. But each symbol meant another word, another feeling.

"I like admiring others' thoughts", I said, sitting comfortably as he peered over at me. Listening to the words that flew from my mouth as if a swan delivered them, he watched me with such an eloquent view.

"I like admiring yours, Bambi", he said, leaning over, closer and closer to my lips, almost touching them. His fingers danced along the side of my face, and I waited, I waited for him to kiss me, with such a moving expression.

But the kiss never came, he instead studied my face as if it was on the next quiz in school. And he had to know each curve, where my lip points, the shape of my eyes, the slant of my eyebrows, the curve of my cheekbone. He indulged in the closeness of us, as someone joyously shouted his name from across the way.

"Dallas", Liam shouted, making his way over with his bag under his hand. Dallas leaned up, looking over his shoulder and got up to meet his friend.

"Addie and I are going to get some fish and chips from this cafe down from our hotel, if you guys want to come?" He asked, as Dallas looked back at me, looking for the okay sign.

We made plans to meet up to get food down the street from our hotel. Dallas helped me carry my one bag, which seemed 'too heavy' for me out of the plane. I started heading towards the valet service that was driving each of us to the hotel. But Dallas had other plans.

He turned me around and I saw where he was walking too and ran to catch up, he had my bag, I wasn't going to let him run off with it.

But we stopped at a car with a driver in it, the hood was down. The driver tossed the keys to Dallas as they exchanged words.

"Is this yours?" I asked him, looking at the car noticing not a single scratch was on the car, nor any paint chipped. It was in perfect condition.

"It was my father's. He keeps it around here. He used to do book signings all across England, it made sense for him to keep a car around", he said, throwing my bag and his into the backseat as he opened the passenger door for me.

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