Chapter 23

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Episode 8: As much as we dreamed (part 2)
Music was blasting in the room as the sun slowly rose towards the sky.

With the tablet leaning against the window sill, Hanbin scanned the dance while marking it.

He was the leader for the Say My Name team and he wanted to make sure his team mates could rely on him.

The star creators chose him to be a part of this song and he didn't want to make them disappointed.

And... he also wanted someone to be amazed by his new side.

+       +       +

Arin pushed the door, peeking her head in the practice room.

"I heard you guys called for me?"

"Arin masternim!", Ollie ran towards Arin, holding her hand and jumped up and down.

Arin smiled and jumped with Ollie, "It's been a while Ollie~"

The trainees in the room looked towards the door and all bowed to Arin.

She looked inside the room and her eyes widened, "Is this the Say My Name team?"

Arin walked towards Jiwoong who answered, "Yeah~ Isn't everyone so cute?"

"I didn't expect you to be here"

"No one did"

Arin turned her head to see Matthew opening his arms wide.

She smiled and immediately hugged him, "Ahh! Matthew!! It's been a while"

He patted her back as they released the hug.

Woongki went up to Arin, "Arin masternim~ Want to see a little fashion show?!"

Her eyes widened as Woongki clapped, signalling Seowon to turn on music. She laughed out loud as he started randomly posing in front of her.

"Oh my! AHHAHAHA What are you doing?!"

She stood back up, wiping her tears of joy.

Hanbin, who was just observing the whole thing smiled. It's been a while since I saw her smile...

Arin tilted her head as she made eye contact with Hanbin who just gave her an eye smile that made her heart skip a beat.

Wow... he's handsome

+       +        +

Jiwoong, Arin and Hanbin were in the hallway together to relax.

Arin spaced out on the couch. She got too excited in the room after seeing people she found adorable.

She needed to recharge.

Hanbin glanced at Arin and took out the bottle of sprite.

He twisted it open and was about to hand it towards her but u-turned when he saw Jiwoong placing a drink in her hand.

Hanbin cleared his throat awkwardly as he brought the drink towards his mouth.

Jiwoong leaned his arm on the couch towards Arin's direction as he took a seat.

"Why are you spacing out?"

Arin smiled, while grabbing the drink Jiwoong gave her with two hands.

"Just trying to recharge my energy. I realised I didn't even have the time to check out your guys' dance. How is it going?"

She looked towards both Hanbin and Jiwoong as she took a sip of the drink.

"It's going great actually", Jiwoong pointed to him and Hanbin, "we both got the songs we wanted so"

Arin nodded, "That's good, did you guys choose your positions yet?"

"Yeah. Hanbin is our leader"

Her eyes widened, "Oh wow~ Isn't it hard for you to teach such a big group?"

Hanbin smiled as he shook his head, "Everyone is great and listens well so it's not really that hard"

Jiwoong leaned towards Arin's ear, arm around her shoulder, whispering, "He says everything in such a kind manner but he's really strict about how the practicing session goes. It's like when a hamster gets angry"

Arin looked up to Hanbin who tilted his head.

She giggled and pushed Jiwoong's arm slightly, as she imagined an angry hamster. Hanbin really does resemble a hamster.

Hanbin scraped his finger against the bottle as he bit the bottom of his lip.

What were they talking about?

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