Chapter 5

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Episode 2: I am Here (part 2)

The producers dispersed everyone into their dorms. The star masters had their own section in the dorm, just incase the trainees needed assistance during their practice session.

Arin dragged her suitcase while pushing the door open. She looked around to see a bed against the wall, right beside a closet with the table against the window.

She nods, satisfied with her room and dived right onto her bed.

Finally, some peace and quiet.

She closed her eyes, relaxing her body. After sitting on the same spot for almost 10 hours, this was what she needed the most.

But she couldn't relax for long as her phone started ringing.

She pushed herself up while groaning, grabbing the phone and answering it.


"Arin! I heard you're a mentor for a survival program! How is that going?"

She smiled as she heard her friend's voice on the other end of the call. "It's actually going pretty nice. What have you been up to Karina?"

"Oh you know, just preparing for my come back"

"Aren't you going to release your first album soon?"

"Yeah! I'm really excited to show mys the performances we prepared"

Arin leaned her back against the bed, while listening to her friend ramble about her process with practicing for her next come back.

+        +         +

Arin walked along the hallway, taking a mini tour around the place. Currently, all the trainees were gathered to listen to their signal song.

Today was the day where it was G group's first time listening to the song, while K group listened to the song a day earlier.

Although Arin didn't agree with the whole K group vs G group, she did admit it was a great way to motivate the trainees to do well.

"Arin ssi!"

Arin turned to see one of the producers walking towards her. She bowed towards the producer as they placed their hand on her arm.

"I noticed that you know quite a few of the trainees in Boys Planet"

"Ahh, yes. I coincidentally bumped into some of them when I was both trainee and idol"

"That's amazing! But that isn't going to effect your attitude when mentoring them right?"

Arin shook her head, "No. In fact since I do know them I would be expecting more from them"

The producer nodded their head and patted her arm. "I'll be expecting some good scenes", then walked away.

Arin placed her hand on her chest, sighing in relief. 

She always got tense when it came to producers. Ever since they offered her a position to be a mentor they would keep reemphasising her relationship with some of the participants in Boys Planet.

She did agree in being a mentor because she thought it would be a great experience for her, but she always felt uneasy.

Maybe I shouldn't be too close with the trainees around here...

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