Chapter 14

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Episode 5: You and Me (part 2)
Arin cheered as the trainees and masternims danced.

Currently it was a G group vs K group dance battle. A mini segment for the viewers to become enlightened with the trainee's dance moves.

Youngjoon master was with K group, meanwhile, Kooyoung master was with G group.

The atmosphere was tense and filled with so much excitement. All the boys cheered for the trainees, hyping every one up over every dance move they made.

This made everyone forget that they were in a survival program, and were just having fun with their friends.

Both Yujin and Gunwook made the 'bitna' hand gesture towards Baek Kooyoung master, as Youngjoon master held a box in the middle.

Arin bursted out laughing and Lip J awed with amazement.

She grabbed the mic and went towards them, "The quality of this dance isn't something that can be made in 10 minutes"

Arin nodded in agreement as she went towards them, "Now.. we have the honour to make the final decis-"

"Wait a moment"

Lip J and Arin whipped their head towards Baek Kooyoung who said with a monotone voice, "I love you"

Lip J screamed while turning around as Arin cringed while shaking her body.

Chaos broke loose among the trainees with some sending hearts to the girls and others screaming "He's a married man!"

Yujin grabbed the mic and faced Arin, who tilted her head.

"Noona, I love you"

Both Lip J and Arin held each other's hand, jumping up and down while squealing at how adorable Yujin was.

On the other hand Wang Zi Hao and Haruto looked at each other in defeat, as if signalling to each other 'How can we beat that?'

Lip J looked at all the trainees while saying, "Ahh I just want to come here every day!"

+        +       +

Arin sat down at the cafeteria, observing the seats that were filled with trainees. In three days half of them won't be here...

"What are you day dreaming about?"

Arin snapped out of her thoughts and looked up to see Jiwoong placing his tray of food down on the table, taking a seat in front of her.

She smiled, "Didn't expect you to approach me"

Jiwoong pointed his chopsticks around the room, "There weren't many seats left so.."

Kim Jiwoong...

He always had a special place in her heart. They knew each other before they made their debut in the entertainment industry.

Whenever they had problems, they would go each other for support and would constantly remind each other to never give up on their dreams.

She was with him through thick and thin.

And he was her very first supporter.

"So, you nervous?"

He looked up while chewing on his food, "for what?"

"You know...", Arin looked down while picking on her food, "for the first elimination"

"Of course I'm nervous. Even though my mid rankings weren't bad... you never know what might happen"

Arin just observed Jiwoong as he continued eating.

She sympathised with all of the trainee's who applied for Boys Planet but she sympathised with Jiwoong the most.

She knew about all the torture and hardships he received before joining Boys Planet. And it always bothered her that she couldn't do anything about it.

She would apologise to him from time to time, for not being to help him but he would always have a smile on his face, telling her that he's going to reach for his dreams no matter what.

Arin admired his perseverance and determination to achieve his goal. He was like her little role model.

She placed her hand on top of Jiwoong's.

He flinched slightly from her touch, but his gaze softened as he heard her say, "You know I'm your number one supporter, right?"

They both looked at each other in the eyes, smiling and laughed softly.

(S)Hanbin who was walking with Matthew to an empty table froze. His eyes were glued onto Arin's hands that were on top of Jiwoong's.

Hanbin normally didn't care if Arin talked to other trainees but he could tell that Arin's and Jiwoong's relationship was something different.

The grip on his food tray tightened. 

Just what is their relationship with each other?

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