Chapter 6

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Episode 2: I am Here (part 3)

Holding the clipboard against her chest, she pushed the door open, revealing trainees wearing their orange shirts.

All the trainees stopped dancing and bowed to her as she walked in front of them.

"Hi guys~ How's your practice going?"

All the trainees placed their hands on top of one another and yelled, "Good!"

She smiled at their enthusiasm and crossed her legs. "Let's see how well you guys are doing so far"

She made eye contact with Hanbin and they both exchanged a smile with each other. "Shall we start with K group?"

G group moved out of the way as K group went towards the centre of the training room. 

"All right, let's just do the chorus"

She pressed play and counted the beats for them as they started dancing. Her eyes quickly scanned the trainees as most could stay on beat and knew the dance. There were some that caught her eyes, but not for the good reasons.

Once the K group trainees stopped she remained her poker face and called out for G group. This got the trainees nervous. No comment was scarier than having comments.

"You guys ready?"

They all nodded and she pressed play on the song again. This was Arin's way of evaluating their skills. Rather than interrupting them mid way, she liked to see what the whole trainees were struggling with.

That way she could provide them with accurate advice.

She couldn't help but awe as a trainee caught her eyes with their smile. Even though she was trying to look at other trainees, somehow he dragged her attention back to him.

G group stopped dancing and Arin looked down, "Ahh what do I do. Matthew you kept on getting my attention. Your smile is so charming"

Hanbin glanced at Matthew who bowed towards Arin as she dropped her clipboard.

"I'm not going to lie, I can see you all going up to all star"

Everyone in the room cheered as she pushed herself up. "You guys just need to work on the small details. I realised that some of you are missing the beat because you're too worried about the next move."

She faced towards the mirror and extended her arms side ways, "So you know when you turn your arms inwards at the start of the chorus, I want you to move your chest on the beat, as if your hitting your chest"

The trainees copied her movement as she furthered explained the details they could use to enhance their dance.

"And also, you know during the intro where you guys have your arms together and it opens, revealing your face?"

She did the move as everyone nodded, "Use that as your opportunity to show off your handsome face"

They all laughed at her comment and she laughed with them, "You guys are all handsome, so don't be shy and show it off!"

"But in all seriousness, don't just focus on getting the movements right. That is important but what makes your dance better is how you take advantage of these moves and use your facial expressions to immerse the audience to your stage"

+          +          +

"Okay I want you all to take a seat"

The trainees sat down as Arin went through her notes, tapping on it. "I'm going to pick four trainees that I think absorbed this song well. I want you guys to watch them and take some notes to how they might be different from the way you guys dance"

This was another method she loved using. Arin believed that if you see someone who knows how to execute the song, you should analyse them and learn from them so you understand what you might've been doing wrong.

She stood up as she grabbed a trainee's wrist, pulling him off the ground, "Park Gunwook~ and...", she waddled towards G group, grabbing another trainee's wrist, "Wang Zi Hao"

She placed the two trainees side by side. "I want you two to dance the dance break part"

They both smiled, thrilled as Arin called them the dance masters. She went back to the front and pressed play.

She cheered for them as they both tried their hardest with the dance. The precision, power and energy they were pouring out. She was in love.

"WHOOO! YES!", she clapped as the two trainees were trying to catch their breath.

"The reason why I chose them two first was because of the consistency in their dance. They know how to control their power so it's not too overboard.

I noticed that some of you were struggling with your stamina while dancing. If you want to improve you have to exercise on the side so you can increase your stamina"

Arin smiled like a proud mother towards them, "You two did so well, take a seat"

They both bowed, while going back to their seats. 

"Lucky~ You must feel so happy being acknowledged by Arin"

Gunwook smiled shyly as he placed his hand on the other trainee's leg, "Of course I am~ Who wouldn't be?"

"Alright, now I'm going to choose the trainees who are well balanced"

Arin grabbed both of the trainees hands and dragged them towards the centre. The trainees cheered as the infamous duo stood in front of them.

She went to the front, grabbing her phone. "Hanbin and Matthew~ I don't know if it's because you two trained with each other in the past, but you two have similar vibes"

They both made eye contact with each other and laughed as Arin crouched down to the ground.

"Alright, I want both of you to do the chorus"

Three.. two.. one...

The music started which signalled the boys to dance. She bobbed her head, cheering for them as well as she loved their facial expressions, their stage presence, the precision with their dance.

Not only were they extremely good dancers, they knew how to show off their charm.

Arin clapped, cheering for them one last time as they gave each other a hug.

"You guys are so amazing!"

The other trainees cheered for them as they faced Arin.

"What I loved was that you guys know exactly how to perform well. Not only were you two powerful, you knew when to release it when it came to waves.

And Matthew." His eyes slightly widened, tilting his head towards her as she continued, "Your smile is a power tool"

He bowed, thanking her. "I don't know why but you just have this charm that drags people's attention towards you"

Hanbin pursed his lips, thinking to himself I need to try harder. I need to get acknowledged by her as well.

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