Chapter 7

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Episode 3: Turn on the Light (part 1)
Yujin crouched down in the corner of the room, with his head down on his knees. He was alone in the practice room at 3am in the morning.

Sweat was trickling down his face as he tried to catch his breath.

He wasn't in the best condition but he didn't want to use that as an excuse to not practice. He wanted to get acknowledged by the star masters. He wanted them to be proud of him.

Arin was walking along the hall way and stopped as she noticed light shining from the door. She pushed it open, peeking her head to see a boy who looks like he's about to cry.

She quickly rushed over to him and sat in front of him. "Yujin... are you alright?"

Yujin lifted up his head swiftly, his eyes widening. He was about to push himself up but Arin grabbed his arm, softly pulling him down.

"You don't look so good... is everything okay?"

He wanted to say he was okay but his throat blocked him from saying those words. He just nodded weakly which made Arin frown.

She noticed how pale his skin got, and the dark circles getting bigger under his eyes. Poor thing... he's only 16..

"You know, even though I'm a star master, I'm still your mentor. You can at least be honest with me if you're struggling. Even internally"

Arin patiently waited for the boy to speak. She didn't want to force him to say anything he didn't want to say, but she didn't want to leave him alone. She was truly worried about his mental health.

Although she wasn't near him majority of the times, whenever she saw the other masters evaluating him they were so harsh with their words. It pained her to see his self-esteem go so low.

"I'm just... I'm just really scared..."

Arin's eyes softened and she placed her hand on Yujin's back, patting it as he continued, "I don't want you guys to regret giving me all stars. I want to prove my talent is worthy but..."

Her heart broke a little as she saw a tear trickle down his cheeks.

"But... my body isn't letting me practice to my full potential"

She opened her arms, "Want a hug?"

He gently went into her arms as she tightened her embrace. "I know you want to do your best, but don't beat yourself up, even if you make a mistake.

You're here so you can grow as an idol and learn new skills. No one is perfect at everything in one go. It takes loads of time and practice to master those skills"

She could feel his body relax a bit in her arms. She smiled smally, rubbing his back, "You need to believe in yourself and not be scared when new challenges arise.

As long as you get it in the end, it doesn't matter how long it took you to get there. Okay?"

This was also one of the reasons she wanted to be a mentor. She wanted trainees to be confident in themselves, and realise that this survival program is a stepping stool for them to become successful.

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