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My heart raced. I had to say something, but did I really love Forrest? I didn't even know what love was. I felt something, for sure, and if it wasn't love then I might never know what love really is.

"I think I love you too." I whispered. He pulled back from our embrace and placed his hands on my waist. I could feel the muscles in his shoulder as he breathed. Our eyes locked, and I felt something, a desire I had never felt before.

I kissed him.

It felt like everything I had ever dreamed about when I was younger. True love, like the fairytales used to tell me. Yet it wasn't this wild feeling, like the dangerous roar of the ocean at night. No, it was something much calmer. This felt like that feeling I occasionally get where I have hope; it blooms inside me and everything suddenly seems brighter. The sun left its gaze on me and I could feel it. I could feel everything, suddenly. This was so much better than the old stories, because I was experiencing it.

I pulled back and gazed into his eyes. How had I not noticed the golden flake in his left eye? The way his eyelashes framed his eye and gave him a mysterious look. He was so beautiful, but not in the way beauty is described. He was beautiful in the way he was designed. He was also softly looking at my face and his eyes lingered on mine.

His hands made their way into my hair and he pulled me into another kiss. I could do this all night, but eventually he pulled back and gave a husky laugh. "We should probably sleep. We need to be ready for the other princess tomorrow." He squeezed my hand and threw a pillow and blanket on the floor. He gestured for me to take the bed.

"Thank you."

We got ready for bed silently, but I kept sneaking glances at him and caught his eyes a couple times. His face was red and I could see in the window that mine was too. He turned the lights off and I stared at the ceiling for a long time before I reluctantly fell asleep.

We had gotten up early so we could get a headstart to the castle. This whole journey didn't take as long as I had expected and before I knew it, I saw it. The place where I had made my first and last friend. If she wouldn't help me...

The carriage came to a halt and I nearly fell onto the floor before Forrest grabbed my shoulder. I crept out and went up to the guards. I guess it was officially time to let the world know I hadn't died. I pulled my hood down and put on my 'I am serious as fuck right now' face.

One guard took a look at me and his mouth dropped open slightly. I recognized him; he had been a junior guard when Princess Aria and I had been small.

"Princess Ember." He bowed and opened the gate. "Pleased to see you." He gave me a genuine smile. The other guard looked confused but I assume they made conversation behind my back, since he bowed a minute later. I glanced back to make sure Forrest was following, but they were blocking him.

"He's with me." I called. They moved aside and he ran up to me.

"Can't take you anywhere." I teased. He ran a hand through his floppy hair. He laughed before another guard appeared. I relayed my intentions to him and he began to escort us to the throne room. I could hear her voice talking with someone. Something inside me stung.

"Princess Ember, Your Royal Highness." The guard bowed and shut the door. She looked up.

She looked so different, but yet the same. Her eye had the same glint in it yet she held her crown on her head with an air of power.


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