The Spy

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My hands caught me, but so did he. I squirmed and struggle, but he held my wrists firm behind my back. I began to scream, and he slid a white cloth in my mouth, tying another around my face so it stayed on. I struggled more as I could feel his hands tying the rope tightly around my wrists, and soon feet. I was completely helpless. He set me on the ground against a tree for a moment and wiped his forehead. I glared at him and he just laughed. His black hair contrasted eerily against his pale skin, and he was easily 5 inches taller than me.

"Huh. You're prettier than they let on." He said, lifting my chin with the dagger. I shifted slightly, and he smirked. His eyes looked into mine, locking me in place, his hand holding my leg just above my knee. 

"Not so brave now,  huh princess?" He said, his black eyes glinting in the moonlight. I turned my head and began to struggle again. His face came down next to my ear, and whispered hotly to me:

"Maybe I should keep you alive for a bit, hm? But we can't stay here. My friend is gonna come in a little bit to make sure I finished the job." I stilled, hating to follow his orders, but I didn't want to cross the person who had me bound and at his mercy. He picked me up, bride style and we began to walk. We walked for quite a time, until we came to a cave. He carried me inside, and laid me on the ground. 

He gently undid my gag, but still kept the rope on my wrists

"Tell me, how did you find out about our plan?" He said, sitting across from me, playing with his dagger, dragging it across the dirt. 

I gulped and looked at his eyes. He wasn't evil, I could tell that. He was stalling, not sure if he wanted to kill me yet.

"I heard you guys in the kitchen."

"That's what I thought. I'm supposed to kill you so our boss can ascend the throne without a troublesome and sassy girl trying to stop him."

"And who is your boss?" I asked, before I could stop myself. The man looked at me coldly, searching my eyes.

"Untie me, and we'll make a deal." I said, trying to pull myself up to sit straight. He raised his brow and shook his head.

"But please, continue, I'm intrigued." He said, leaning back. "I'm Forrest by the way. Might as well know the name of your captor." 

"If... When I become queen, I will protect you. You are obviously a rebel and had plans to kill a royal, punishable by death. However, I will keep you protected if you help me squash this rebellion. And I will give you land and a title, so no one will suspect anything."

Forrest rested against the wall, folding up his dagger. He needed another push. Just one...

"I swear on my word and life that I will protect you." 

Finally, after minutes of silence. He spoke.

"I agree, but I need to know that you will not run when I untie you. I am not stupid. Give me your ring, since no one will recognize you without it. You are the princess only to me. "

I was silent. He was right, no one would recognize me without my ring. Or at least, very few would. Only people who had met me would. I was nothing without my ring. I screamed internally. I had no choice. Slipping off my ring, I threw it to him as well as I could given my wrists. He grinned, and slipped it in his pocket. 

"Also, I think I'm still gonna keep you tied up, at least until I can trust you." He said, watching me. "Goodnight." 

And with that, he turned over and went to sleep. 

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