The Meeting

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When we returned to the man's house, it was quarter to 7. The sun was beginning to set, and Forrest and I walked side by side on the rocky path, our shadows dancing behind us.

He gave a coded knock, and the door opened, revealing the man we had spoken to earlier.

"Hey guys. Yer just on time." He gestured for us to follow him. I smiled at the woman and her baby, who she was feeding. 

The man grabbed two lanterns handing one to Forrest and keeping one. We walked through the dusty, and oddly cold house, occasionally bumping into each other. Suddenly, we stopped in front of a wall covered with a tapestry. He pulled it back, revealing a ladder.

I shook my head quickly. No wonder we couldn't find any sign of the rebellion capital. It was underground. These rebels were smart. Smarter than we had given them credit for. I would have to be careful. If they recognized me, it would be the end of my kingdom. Forrest took a quick glance at me. I shook my head. I wasn't backing out, not now. Following the man, I moved my dagger down my thigh a bit. 

With each step on the ladder, my heart bumped a beat faster. If death was ever near me, it was tightening its grip now. I laughed with relief as I came down on solid ground, Forrest behind me. 

The cave was lit by candles and the laughter and murmur of voices surrounded me. I stepped through the crown towards the circle of chairs and logs to sit on.

I surveyed the room, and saw all sorts of people. Young, old. Women, men.

A bump brought me back to reality. Where was Forrest? 

I twirled, looking for his familiar wavy black hair and pale skin. He must be popular; there were people pressing in on all sides of him, flirting, debating, discussing, and offering him beers. He was laughing and shaking hands with everyone. 

I suddenly felt very small. It was hard for me to see this person in front of me as Forrest. The Forrest I knew was witty, sarcastic and to be frank- a pain in the ass. This Forrest? He was popular, he had lots of friends, and it was like I didn't exist. 

I went to one of the logs and sat down, tracing the outline of my leg in my pants. I didn't know anyone here. I was a fraud.

"Fancy a beer?" His voice said behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck, goosebumps rising.

I smiled and took it. It seems our argument was long gone now. 

"What do you think?" He asked, after taking a large gulp of his. 

I shifted my drink to my left hand, using my right to gesture around me.

"It's interesting. I didn't know you had so many rebel friends." 

My eyes darted around the room, watching the people. 

"Yes, it'-" He was cut off by a bell ringing. 

As the other people settled, Forrest was quiet, and I took in the hierarchy. There seemed to be two leaders, a brunette woman with dark red lips, her long face casting shadows on her cheekbones. There was a man next to her, his blonde hair drooping over his face, his brown eyes looking at us bored. 

Once the crowd was quiet, the man stood and raised his glass.

"To a successful spy invasion!"

The crowd cheered and took swigs of their drink. I frowned but took one of mine. Forrest didn't. 

The woman stood and the crowd quieted again. My hands ran over the cold glass. Nervous.

"Yes. The infiltration was successful. Because of that, we are aware that the king is well equipped against us. We have gained knowledge that the prince, soon to be king of Paloma supports us. Prince Alexander. Thus, we must send our most... influential member to the castle to strike a deal with him. So far, our committee has decided on three people we think would be best. Forrest, John, and Oliver."

The crowd whispered amongst themselves. I looked at Forrest. His eyes looked at me, begging me for something. 

His forgiveness? 

Voices arose,

"John found us this place!"

"Well, Oliver always negotiates and plans the meetings!" Another man shouted strongly. Heads nodded and turned around the room. 

"Forrest killed the princess!" One man shouted, and the room went silent. 

It was tense. I could feel myself turning red with anger and wanted to unleash it on every single person in this room. They were happy I was dead!? 

Second, had my father spread this news? 



"Fuck John!"


The man raised his hands and the voices ceased.

"To Forrest! Our deal striker!" The man shouted again, and the crowd rose, pushing me away from him. 

My eyes began to fill with tears, and in the chaos, I climbed the ladder. I needed to get away from here. Apparently, it would be soon, since Forrest, Mr. Popular, has to negotiate a deal.

I had no choice now. Surrender and return to the castle, or go to Prince Alexander's castle. He would recognize me, and I would be married. 

My tears opened my wound, cleaning it with stings.

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