twenty two

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February 16th

February 16th————————————————————————juliettelaurent:

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liked by 10,839,252 people juliettelaurent: thank you for having me InStyle! such sweethearts, had a lovely time 💛

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liked by 10,839,252 people
juliettelaurent: thank you for having me InStyle! such sweethearts, had a lovely time 💛

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His eyes were so warm on me that I was sure he could read all of my thoughts, everything I felt and thought about him, written on my pupils.

"That would be them." I told him hearing the knocks at the door, they were loud and rhythmic as Camila ran up to the door, I wanted to join her but couldn't find it in myself to break away from his eyes.

He gazed into her remarkable brown eyes, they were the hue of new spring and growth, bright and soft all at once. She gazed back into his deep hazel green eyes; they were full of comfort, full of warmth. They were the colours of the earth, they were a heaven she begged to be apart of.

"Mummy! Look!" Camila shouted, I got up quickly following her and abandoning Charles on the couch, she was pointing out the window at Charles' family members.

I opened the door quickly, unfastening the lock and smiling widely "Salut tout le monde! s'il vous plait entrez! Je suis désolé de t'avoir gardé dans le froid."

Considering I spoke three languages, I only really used one and that being English, I tried to immerse Camila in as many different ones as I could but she always also resulted to English.

"Oh wow you have a beautiful home." Pascale, Charles' mother confessed as she wandered in, the boys all behind her, "You're even more pretty in person, hello dear." Pascale smiled pulling me into a hug.

"Oh no no, thank you," I smiled at her grabbing Camila and lifting her up also "Camila this is Pascale, want to say hi?"

She instantly exclaimed "My grandmas name is Pascale! And my chameleon!"

"I've heard about this chameleon, do you want to show him to me?" Pascale asked her, squeezing her cheeks as she spoke.

Camila was easy to please, if you mention tangled, cake, unicorns, Disney or her chameleon she will love you, so it wasn't long before Pascale and Camila were best friends "Okay!"

his girls (Charles Leclerc) Where stories live. Discover now