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Y/n POV:

After yesterday I just wanted to go home. I did in fact unblock Duas number which to be honest I sort of regret now because now I'm just waiting for her to call. It wasn't fair this feeling I was feeling, I been hurt too much in this relationship but I've also been the happiest I've ever been. God was I in a toxic relationship?

This is why I never liked the idea of love it makes you so blind. If I were to ask anyone what they would do I know damn well they would tell me to just leave her because that's the most logical thing right? But she showed me things I'm sure she made sure I won't be able to see with anyone else.

There had to be a reason why we always ended up in this position though? We can be away from eachother for however long and I'll still have something for her. It's as if the universe puts an invisible string that brings us back to each other?

I don't know though. It felt like such a guilty pleasure now. My phone started ringing, I looked at my screen and it was her name I stare at it for a few seconds waiting for it to be at least 10 seconds before I answer so I don't seem desperate.

Dua POV:

This was it again because now I'll know if this is what she wants this or not. After yesterday though I feel pretty confident about it. I wasn't sure how it would work now but I'll do anything to be with her again. I was also trying to be mentally prepared for if it goes south but I know I won't take it well at all.

I'm more mature now or at least trying to be so I have to respect her decision. If she does just say no then I'll just go back to my busy life and just try to quiet out my heart breaking with more work and work. Maybe I'll just stay with Romain forever I don't want it but he's probably the next best thing but I doubt this is anything serious.

"Hey" I say

"Hi Dua"

"How you doing?"

"I'm good you?"

"Good because you're talking to me"

"What a flirt" she laughs

"Only for you"

"You're quite charming dear"

The fake English accent again I couldn't hold in my laugh

"Been with another English guess you mastered it"

"Does that mean you're better at French kissing since you're dating a French now"

"I mean you tell me"

"I wish I could but you have a boyfriend now which is why I don't know about us anymore"

"I would leave him you know"

"Don't maybe this is what it was supposed to be"

"You nor I believe that y/n don't even try to think that"

"You're right but I just don't know how it will work anymore"

I had to tell her how much I would die for her and do whatever it took for her to stay or I'll lose her forever if she still declines after this I'll understand but it was now or never

"Listen to me y/n you have no idea how hopeless and miserable I am without you, I don't even want you anymore because now you're not a want but a need for me, your love is essential for me now and it will never stop being, everytime we're together it feels like a first date because I can't hold my self together because you just make me feel butterflies each time, you were the first ever person to make me feel loved I found you when I needed it the most and I can't lose you when I still need you I'll need you forever don't you get that I would drop everything I have right now to just be near you every second of my life because I love you y/n and I never will stop so if you decide you no longer want this then it's fine but trust me when I tell you that I will never ever be genuinely happy like I am with you with anyone else and whenever you see me online or anywhere just know I'll be thinking of you always, you're irreplaceable for me I'm not saying any of this to make you stay I'm just letting you know how I feel and how I'll always feel to be completely honest like maybe one day it'll hurt a bit less but you'll always be there on my mind and heart"

I catch my breath because wow that was a lot.

"Wow Dua I"

"Yea tell me about it"

"I love you" she says

"I love you more"

"This is all you should have said before and these two years we would have been together im sorry I never believed you Dua I was just so sad of the thought that you wanted anyone else but me so I panicked and I regret it so much and I probably would have left me too but I really missed you this entire time like yea I may seem like I didn't on the outside but I was so out of it the only reason stopping me from reaching out was my mom because she thinks you're bad for me but you're the complete opposite I'm in love with you Dua and I'll never stop loving you"

I felt tears form my eyes I'm sure they were of joy but I felt so emotional now but did thi

"So then what now?"

"Come to me"

Sorry for the late update 🥲 and it's short?!!! Next chapter will be better! Honestly running a bit out of ideas so it might be ending soon who knows but a new story is in the making :)

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Sorry for the late update 🥲 and it's short?!!! Next chapter will be better! Honestly running a bit out of ideas so it might be ending soon who knows but a new story is in the making :)

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is she love? .......dua lipaWhere stories live. Discover now