Is this okay?

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Dua POV:
We kissed again but longer this time and we were speechless again. It felt right when I kissed her as in I was waiting for it and she was too.

"I haven't stopped thinking about the first time this happened and now I know you haven't either" I said

"you're with Anwar Dua"

"I'm not it's not real" I said while holding her shoulders

"But you still are that's the point I can't like someone who is publicly in a relationship. this isn't something I do plus we barley even know about each other we hung out once" she said

"But you knew me enough to sketch me? You knew me enough to be there for me? I don't understand that one time we hung out changed everything" I said

"Dua i"

"You what? You won't allow yourself to be liked or possibly loved?"

"Dua you have no idea what you are talking about"

"nowadays everyone just controls me and with you that day it felt like I actually was a person."

"I'm sorry Dua but I don't know about this"

"Meet me somewhere later I'll text you" I said while exiting

What had happened felt crazy like surreal we kissed again and I liked it again! What was going on with me.

We got back to Charli and Anwar.

"Well you girls took a minute in there I hope the project you guys were talking about was your new album dear" Charli laughed

"Maybe but hey Charli you should come to my little gathering I'm showing some friends some songs I have written so far, y/n is coming as well you can come together!" Dua said

Anwar seemed very bored so I decided to whisper to Charli that we should go. If I felt bad for dua it was right for me to feel bad for anwar too since he too seemed to not want their relationship.

"Well Charli and I have to go work on something so we will leave you two it was nice running into you anwar and dua" I smiled

"Yes I'll like to come around the gallery someday" anwar said

"Anytime" I smiled

Dua then hugged Charli and she just stared at me.

"So what did you guys talk about?" Charli said

I trusted Charli a lot but I don't think it was right to tell her what had happened.

"Her album cover she was just putting ideas out there" I smiled

Later that day

I took a nap to be honest that convo with dua gave me a headache. I looked at my phone and I had a text from her.

"Y/n meet me at this place at midnight please"
Dua Sent location

I wasn't sure if I should go. But something in me led me there to her.

"You actually came" she smiled


"Don't worry no one knows this place" she said

"Look dua I don't-"

"Do you like me just say yes or no and we'll be done here I don't want to pressure you into anything"

"Dua of course I like you I'm sure I made that obvious but this is basically impossible to work"

"We are here alone so is it really?"

"Are we though?"

"I understand that you don't believe in love but you haven't tried it"

"It's not that dua I just don't want to go through the same things my parents went through it was hell and me and you just met don't you think this a little too much?"

"And I'm sorry that happened but not all love is the same y/n I just want to see if maybe we can lead to a relationship I'm not rushing anything"

"Just like getting to know each other?"

"Well you said we barley know each other." She said

"Well what about your public identity and your relationship?"

"no one has to know this is happening I'm not even planning on telling my mother because for some reason I feel as if she enjoys my misery and as for me and anwar I let him know that I didn't want to see him at all unless we were forced to"

"Damn you got it all figured out don't you?" I laughed

"I go after everything I want that's why I'm here" she laughed

I don't even know what this place was like a pond?

"Dua you're a scary"

"What how?"

"What even is this place like this is not romantic at all if that's what you were aiming for I swear I just saw a frog or something"

"AHHH WHERE" she jumped
And hugged me

"Um no where" I laughed

Maybe I did want to try to get to know her and maybe it could lead somewhere but to be honest this was so unexpected.

"Why are you zoning off" she said while holding my face

"I think I can try this" I said

is she love? .......dua lipaWhere stories live. Discover now