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Y/n POV:

It was about 4 am when Dua came knocking at my door I was still very shocked on why she decided to do it. She was here though and she was with me in bed and I'm not going to deny her because I missed this so much.

She starting moving around so I knew she was somewhat awake and it was so adorable. She really made me this cheesy I hated it.

"Wake up dummy" I say

She groaned.

"Hurry you need to explain to me why you're here"

She grabbed a pillow and screamed so loud into it. I guess it was really serious but enough funny business I really wanted to know.

"Dua im serious what happened"

She got up and laid her back on the bed board and stretched.

"Your friend is bat shit crazy"

"I'm sure it was a misunderstanding"

"She called me a narcissist and told me I belong in the trash where you"

"Where i what"

"Apparently got me from" she says while looking down at her fingers fidgeting

I grab her hands but I'm sorry but I simply can't believe Taylor would say any of that she was too nice of a person and plus I never said anything bad about Dua even where we weren't together.

"You're lying right?"

"I most certainly am not how can you even think that"

"It's just not"

"So you choose her over me?"

"I'm not saying that at all"

"You clearly are she's not the angel everyone thinks she is"

"Look maybe you're right just explain to me what happened"

"She just got upset because she wanted to write a song with me and I declined and she got all mad"

A song? Was she just going to use Dua for a song and not properly hang out with her? Yea maybe that was weird

Dua POV:

I was going to tell her about Taylor cheating on her boyfriend with a chick because I know I would 100% have her on my side if I did but I wasn't going to do that karma is a bitch and it'll get her on it's own.

"I'm sorry Dua it's my fault I shouldn't have forced you to hang out with her"

I was genuinely surprised that she apologized I thought she would continue being on her side. She genuinely looked upset about it.

"But I'm here now and I missed you and we need make up for that don't we" I smirk

She looks at me with those curious eager eyes that I love I grab her hand and put it on my thigh.

"Touch me please"

She moves her hand up to my face and she kisses me her soft moist kiss was my home everything of her was my home.

We look at each and we give each other the consent look. She gives my cheek an aggressive kiss and lowers her hand down to the drawstrings of my pjs and unties them

"I love you" she whispers as she slides her fingers in me

I'm about to say it back but I can't I'm struggling to catch my breath. I kiss her and this for me is heaven on earth fuck the tour I just want this. I needed more and more.

is she love? .......dua lipaWhere stories live. Discover now