It only takes two hits before I'm sent toppling into the room, almost tripping over a chair that was being used to barricade the door. 

"Get off of her you sick bastard," I yell, not being able to contain my anger. I pull him off her and throw him to the ground, watching as Carter, Emilio and Dex throw punches and kicks at him.

"Harper?" I question, lifting her face from the pillow she was being shoved into and turning her over. I cradle her and repeatedly tap her face, trying to get her to wake up. "Is she okay?" Miles frantically asks.

"Does she looking fucking okay?" I yell, taking my anger out on him. 

"The fucking prick drugged her," Emilio seethes, looking down at the baggie of pills that's fallen out of his pockets. 

"P-please stop," The boy pleads, choking on his own blood. His face is a bloody, swollen mess. Most of his teeth lay scattered around the floor as Dex brutally kicked him in the mouth numerous times.

"Did you fucking stop when she asked you to? exactly." Carter says, delivering another kick to his face.

Harper starts groaning in pain, clutching at her head. "What's happening to her?" Miles asks frantically, leaning over us and staring down at Harper.

"What did you fucking give her?" Emilio shouts, picking up the little baggie of unknown pills off the floor and inspecting it. "Rohypnol," He spits out in between gagging up his own blood after Carter grabbed him by the neck.

Harper looks up at me with utter terror in her eyes, trying to say something to me but her speech is so slurred that it's incoherent.

"I'm getting her out of here," I say, growing more concerned. I pick her up bride style, watching as Carter picks up the boy by his throat and practically throws him into a vanity dresser, completely smashing it.

"Piece of shit," Dex spits on him before joining me in walking down the hall. I cradle Harper's head into my chest, trying to muffle the loud music and prevent people from looking at her.

"Mason!" Tyler shouts, spotting one of our friends on the lawn who just arrived to the party. "Can you give us a lift back to the academy, it's an emergency," Tyler rushes out once we approach him.

"Yeah sure man," Mason says sceptically, eyeing Harper in my arms who's going in and out of consciousness.  "What happened to her?" He asks as we climb into the car. 

"Let everyone know there's an unconscious fucking rapist in the end guest room," Emilio alerts him, knowing he'll tell everyone once he gets back to the party.

"Fuck," He says, running a hand through his hair. "Did he...?" He asks wearily, looking back at Harper from the mirror.

"No but he fucking tried, spiked her and everything," Carter seethes, looking down at a now unconscious Harper who's sprawled out over all of us.

I stroke her hair, for some reason feeling the need to comfort and be gentle with her.

"Thanks man," Miles says as we pull up in front of the academy. We all climb out and head to the dorms. "Do you think we should take her to the hospital?" Tyler asks worriedly.

"I think she just needs to sleep it off," Emilio says, staring down at the effects of Rohypnol google search pulled up on his phone.

I groan as we approach our room, spotting a very pissed Mr Davis camped outside our door. "Lucian Cruz!" He yells. "You know you're not allowed off campus this week, did you really think that would work?" He scoffs, motioning towards Harper's pillows that now lay scattered across the floor.

We all push past him, completely ignoring his angry ranting as I make my way over to Harper's bunk. I lay her gently into her bed, careful not to bang her head on anything and pull the blankets over her.

"Do not ignore me young man!" Mr Davis raises his voice. "Shut the fuck up," I order through gritted teeth, scared he'll wake up and startle Harper.

"Excuse you?" He shouts even louder this time. I storm towards him, pushing him into the hallway and closing the door behind us.

"Who do you think you are talking to me that way," He spits. "You and Miss Flores have broken a direct order given to you by the principle and for that I'll ensure you both get the appropriate punishment." He says, his face almost red from rage.

"Harper didn't do anything, I made her come out with me," I lie, not wanting another detention to add onto the list of shitty things that has happened to her this week.

"Right," He scoffs, rolling his eyes. 

"I'm serious, I mean does she seem like the type to sneak out," I reply, knowing he can't argue with the fact that Harper is genuinely a well behaved student.

He stays silent for a moment before storming away without giving me a reply. I sigh, turning around and entering the room before heading to my bunk and collapsing on it.

We all lay in our beds in silence, knowing there's nothing to say after what happened tonight. I feel guilty knowing I let her come to the party when I knew better.

My eyelids are heavy but I try to keep them open, wanting to keep an eye on Harper. I stare at her sleeping face, her button nose and plump lips being illuminated by the soft glow of the salt lamp resting on her nightstand.

"Don't worry, I'll watch her," Emilio says quietly. I turn to him, embarrassed that he caught me staring. "You're tired go to sleep," He says, now scrolling through his phone.

Now being able to rest knowing Emilio is looking out for her I close my eyes and eventually drift off, my head clouded with images of Harper. 

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