Fading Garden's Lament

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   In a once-vibrant garden, where colors danced,
A masterpiece of nature, a floral romance,
A gardener's touch, a labor of love,
Now lies silent, as a mourning dove.

Once, petals flourished with radiant grace,
Bathed in sunlight, they'd embrace,
But now, a melancholy haze descends,
As the gardener's touch tragically ends.

The roses, once bold, now droop and weep,
Their fragrant beauty, now buried deep,
Crimson petals, tinged with sorrow's woe,
Their vibrant hues begin to pale and go.

The daisies, once cheerful, wear a mournful face,
Each delicate bloom reflects a tender trace,
No longer caressed by the gardener's hand,
They wilt and fade, adrift in a forgotten land.

The tulips, once proud, bow their heads,
Their elegant stems bear the weight of dread,
Once standing tall in an array of delight,
Now lean towards shadows, embracing twilight.

The lilies, once radiant, stand in fragile grace,
Their petals tremble, yearning for the gardener's embrace,
Their pristine white, now tinged with gray,
With each passing day, fading away.

The garden, once alive, now echoes decay,
The gardener's absence steals its vibrant display,
But amidst the withered leaves and fading blooms,
A glimmer of hope emerges and looms.

For nature's resilience cannot be contained,
New life sprouts forth, as if ordained,
Seeds take root, and tendrils stretch,
A testament to the gardener's lasting fetch.

Though the gardener is gone, their spirit remains,
In every bud that awakens, breaking life's chains,
Their love, a legacy deeply ingrained,
In the garden's heart, forever sustained.

So let the garden weep, let it mourn,
For the loss of the gardener, its soul torn,
But know that beauty shall rise anew,
In memory of the gardener, ever true.

✧*̥˚ poetry *̥˚✧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora