Broken Bonds

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  As days go by and time moves on,
I feel like I'm losing everyone I once called a friend.
The bonds we shared seem to have faded,
As if they were just temporary trends.

The laughs we had are now just echoes,
And memories that we once cherished are fading away.
I try to hold on to the moments we shared,
But they slip through my grasp day by day.

I wonder where did it all go wrong,
What did I do to push them all away?
I try to make amends and fix what's broken,
But it seems like it's too late, they've all gone astray.

Loneliness is now my constant companion,
As I try to navigate this world alone.
The once familiar faces are now just strangers,
And the warmth of their friendship is forever gone.

But amidst the pain and the solitude,
I hold on to the hope that someday it'll all make sense.
That the people who were meant to stay will find their way back,
And that my heart will once again feel their presence.

Until then, I'll keep on moving forward,
Holding on to the memories we once shared.
Knowing that no matter where life takes us,
The love we had for each other will never disappear.

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