Chameleon of Gender: Embracing Fluidity

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  I am a chameleon of gender
Fluid and free, always a blender
Of the masculine and the feminine
A spectrum of colors, never dimming

Sometimes I feel like a man
Bold and strong, taking a stand
My voice deep and my presence tall
Assertive and confident, standing tall

Other times, I feel like a woman
Graceful and elegant, without a moment's hesitation
Soft and nurturing, a comforting embrace
I am both powerful and full of grace

And sometimes, I am both at once
A beautiful blend, a perfect dance
Of gender and expression, free from constraint
A true reflection of who I am, no need to feign

Being genderfluid is a gift
A freedom to shift and uplift
To explore and express without limit
To be true to myself, no matter the climate

So let me be who I am
A gender chameleon, a multifaceted gem
And may my expression never be confined
For I am fluid, and always inclined
To be true to myself, no matter the time

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