A Prisoner of my own mind

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   In the darkness of my room I lay,

All alone with nothing to say,

My mind so heavy, my heart so low,

Lost in a sea of despair, going with the flow.

The weight of the world is too much to bear,

I'm too depressed to move, too numb to care,

I lay here day after day, lost in my head,

Too weak to get up, too broken to be fed.

My once vibrant life now just a dream,

As I lay here drowning in a sea of extreme,

The thought of moving seems like a chore,

So I stay in bed, lost to the world, wanting no more.

The emptiness consumes me, a never-ending hole,

A life without meaning, without purpose or goal,

The world outside fades away, as I slip into a trance,

All hope gone, as I slowly lose the will to dance.

The dishes pile up, the laundry heap grows high,

But I just can't find the strength to try,

Every day feels like an endless night,

Too depressed to move, to eat, to clean, to fight.

But somewhere deep inside, a flicker of light,

A hope that someday things will be all right,

A ray of sunshine, breaking through the clouds,

A chance to rise above, to break free from these shrouds.

For though the darkness looms so large,

And life feels like a never-ending barrage,

There is always hope, a chance to rise,

To find the strength within, to fight back, and to survive.

So, I'll take it day by day, step by step,

Finding the courage to rise from my bed,

To take care of myself, to eat, to clean,

To find my way back, to become a human being.

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