chloe research part 1

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In few days later on a Tuesday morning at professor cerise park during 6:47 am with Mr. Mime teaches ash and his friends doing some morning kung fu exercises. At few feet away in left next to them with Chloe come out from the bushes on top with binoculars in her hands and place on her faces to see ash in the group doing kung fu exercises along with Pikachu, Quilava, scorebunny, and goh.

Chloe: "since when ash got quilava lately?"

She started at Muscalur arms on ash make her light blush on her cheeks and said to herself with kindness, "I got admitted he very muscular for 17 yrs old man, I mean boy from pallet town." She switched kindness to focus, "focus Chloe, you need research on ash Ketchum before going to school." Then suddenly her father and yamper walked up to them who already stop their kung fu exercises today.

Professor cerise: "have you guys seen Chloe lately."

Ash: "nope, professor we haven't it. Sorry."

Goh: "probably she went to school early to eat some breakfast with her friends."

Pikachu: "Pika."

Scorebunny: "scorebunny."

Quiliva: "quiliva."

Mr. Mime: "Mr. Mime."

Yamper sniff something with familiar smell to the left and give out friendly cry, "yamper, yamper." Give attention to them and professor cerise said to him with polite, "what is it boy, you smelled something." He begins running towards the bushes that Chloe located and stop to stare at it with tail wagging happily as he went through bushes to other side.

"Hey guys."

They turn around of surprise and confused to see Chloe in her school uniform just approach them when yamper come out from bushes to see Chloe with confused expression on her face as professor cerise said to Chloe, "we thought you went to school early this morning, Chloe? What are you doing at cerise park." She said to them with a lie, "I'm checking on other pokemon at east side of the park for a while." They're believe her except for Ash's quiliva with suspicious expression on his face and think Chloe is lying when she said to them, "what's the plan for you guys."

Ash: "we're going to hoenn battle frontier in hoenn region compete in battle frontier flute cup."

Chloe: "sounds fun guys."

Ash: "you wanna let me to catch hoenn pokemon for you while we're over there."

Chloe: "sure ash, surprise me."

Ash: "you got it Chloe."

[End part 1 of this chapter]

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