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KUROO AND KEIKO WALKED INTO THE UNI TALKING WITH EACH other, the biggest smile possible plastered on her face. he definitely made her day, that's for sure.

of course, kuroo being kuroo, didn't map out their time correctly.  as they walked, the bell rung.  she gasped and looked at him, sending a deathly glare his way. 

"what?  you forget i'm a teacher?  besides, i have no class first period today, they're all on some trip."

"you forget i'm a student?!  i'm gonna be late!" she huffed and shook her head, slinging her bag over her shoulder about to walk off.

"waittt." he laughed, grabbing her shoulder lightly.  "keiko, im a teacher, you can be late if you're with me.  i'm cool with all of the professors.  who you got first pretty lady?" he smirked and tucked her hair behind her ear, winking.

she rolled her eyes not being able to help the blush that was forming.  "professor adams."

kuroo nearly choked as she let the name out.  "a-adams??  i.. that's fine.  come on, let me walk you there."

they walked and talked, keiko letting out the occasional giggle.  as they neared her first period, he looked at her and smiled. 

he placed a soft kiss on her lips, pulling slightly away and towering over.  he smiled, looking to the door and knocking.

keiko gushed over his actions, legs turning to jell-o.  she smiled softly, shaking her head trying to gain her composure.

the door opened, professor adams opening the door, smiling at keiko, then looking to kuroo, letting that smile drop rather quickly.

"professor tetsuro," she spoke, looking him up and down.  "what is your business with my student?"

tetsuro rolled his eyes.  "i was walking my student to her class because i made her late trying to speak her about a grade.  hope there's nothing wrong with that." he smiled falsely.

keiko could notice the tension.  it was so thick she could cut it with scissors.  professor adams looked at keiko, smiling again. 

"make sure you don't get yourself caught up with him, he's trouble, and you're a great student.  you're excused, go ahead and have a seat in your normal place." keiko nodded and smiled shyly at her, thanking her quietly.  she peaked over at kuroo, sending a small smile and wave his way. 

he winked, shoving his hands in his pockets as she went into the class.  adams shut the door, remaining on the outside.  "so," she crossed her arms, staring at him.  "i see you're moving on quickly, hm?"

he scoffed and shook his head.  "keiko is my student.  besides, it's none of your concern even if i was.  and quickly?  it's been a year.  i cant spend my whole life crying.  now, if you'd excuse me, i have some things to do.  have a good day professor."

"same to you tetsuro." she rolled her eyes, going back into her class.

as the door shut kuroo let out a breath he wasn't even aware he was holding. 



as first period neared the end, keiko began packing up as everyone flooded out the door.

'how stupid can you all be to just walk out in one big crowd like that?'

as the last few people left, she walked to the door. she stepped through the threshold, a voice calling her.

"sakusa." professor adams spoke, smiling at the young woman. "can i speak with you before you leave? i'll write you a pass if you need more time to get to your next class."

"of course professor!" keiko smiled widely at one of her favorite professors so far this year. adams was always so kind to her. "what can i help you with?"

"it's nothing large, just, professor kuroo.. what's your relationship with him?" she stared at the woman deadpanned, also a little taken back. 'what do i even say? do i tell her the truth?? not that it's any of her business.'

"uh.. nothing much? he's my teacher, that's really it."

'oh he's taught you some things alright.'

"okay, that's fine. sorry, i didn't mean to get too personal!" the teacher laughed awkwardly, trying to make the situation better. "well, anyways, enjoy the rest of your day my beloved student."

keiko smiled at the woman, walking away. her smile dropped as soon as she couldn't see her face anymore, letting out a deep breath.

second period was kuroo's, thank god. she really needed to tell him about that. what was even with her? she picked her speed up, walking in a minute or two late.

"professor." she said loudly, swinging the door open.

"well there you are. first you're late, now you're disrupting my class?" tetsuro spoke sarcastically, leaning on the front of his desk as usual.

"can i just, have a word with you outside for one minute please?" she gripped the doorknob, smiling anxiously.

he raised an eyebrow and nodded, walking to the door and following her out, shutting it behind them.

"what's wrong pretty lady?"

"professor adams. what's her deal?" as keiko spoke, it looked like kuroo had seen a ghost. "what? what's wrong?"

"nothing! nothing. i'm not sure, why do you ask?"

"well, she stopped me as i was trying to come here to ask what my relationship with you was. i mean, i told her you were my teacher as that was all, cause i didn't know if i should be honest or not but-"

"wait, you think we have a relationship??" he went wide eyed, stepping back a bit.

"what? wait, i mean, i just assumed, i.. you don't think there's anything between us, tetsuro?"

"no no no that's not what i was saying!" he laughed nervously, putting his hands up in defense. "i-i mean, i think you're lovely. and yes, i do think there's something between us." he smiled sweetly at her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"you do?"

"of course. i felt it from the moment we first spoke, even though the encounter was pretty embarrassing for you." he smirked, stepping closer. "you're my pretty lady. i just didn't know if i was taking too big of steps. i'll be anything you want me to be."

she smiled, blushing at the close proximity. "i don't think i can call you my boyfriend, yet. but i would love to make it to that point with you."

"as would i." he leaned down, pressing his lips against hers as he cupped the right side of her face, holding her left hip. she kissed back and wrapped her arms behind his back, pulling herself closer to him.

the way his hands felt on her skin drove her crazy.

he bit her bottom lip softly as he pulled away, winking at her. keiko smiled at him, half-lidded. his hands slid to her jean pockets, gripping her ass.

they giggled with each other for a few more moments in the hallway, embracing one another, not realizing who was standing there at the end of the hall, watching the whole time.

professor ashanji adams.

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