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her first day at university and she was nervous. her table was the first, directly in front of the teachers desk.

she hadn't even taken a look at the teacher. she was too worried if her outfit was fine, or if she brought the right stuff. did she bring the right amount?

her overwhelmed eyes were filled with fear and anxiousness as the bell rang. more people filed into the room, many she did not recognize.

"i wish kiyoomi was here." she thought to herself, eyebrows creasing her forehead.

"good morning everyone." a cheerful voice boomed throughout the room, not catching her attention. her hands fidgeted with her phone case as she typed rapidly on her phone, texting her older brother.

her professors eyes landed upon her, raising an eyebrow. he stood from his desk he was leaning on, walking over to her with his hands in his pockets. he towered over her, standing in front of where she was seated.

keiko paused, looking up slowly once she noticed the shadow. her eyes drooped once again, almost apologizing for her. he put his hand out, scrunching up his fingers a few times signaling for her to hand the phone over.

her mask covered the other half of her face. she was the only one in the room with the mask on. the only one seated a bit farther from the rest.

"didn't even get to introduce myself. is it that boring already?" a few kids laughed at his remark, some laughing at her embarrassment. she turned red, putting her phone in his hand and lowering her head.

her hands were shaky and her head was pounding. "cant this just be over already?" her thoughts echoed throughout her head.

her professor walked back to his desk and placed her device on it, next to his lap top.

"now, if i may continue without boring anyone." he leaned against his desk again, finally having full attention from everyone. "my name is kuroo tetsuro. you may address me as professor tetsuro, and only professor tetsuro. we are here to learn, that's why you all applied to go to college."

keiko's bright eyes examined him. she noticed the way he messily tucked his shirt into his pants, the way his belt hugged his hips nicely, how good he looked in general.

her perverted thoughts took ahold of her, making her blush deeply underneath the mask. a profound smirk was on her lips, not that anyone could see though. sometimes she thanked sakusa in her head for making her become like him.

"i'll be honest, this is only my second year teaching. i am not a serious person, and i'm not a difficult person to negotiate with. but, if you slack off or are a class clown, i won't be so nice. everyone got that?"

everyone nodded in unison. "someone of you have been here before and this may be your second year with me. others are new," his eyes landed on keiko as she took note on the way his sleeves were rolled up on his biceps. "which is fine. but i want to start with an ice breaker, just to get to know everyone a little more."

he lifted himself gently onto the top of his desk, sitting there looking at everyone. he looked around the room, eyes landing back to keiko. he pointed at her, a small smirk on his face.

"you, little miss distracted." she looked up again, eyebrows perking up. she nodded slowly. "i want you to tell me 3 things about yourself and what you're majoring."

"well uh-" she spoke quietly.

"stand up so everyone can see you." she frowned, standing slowly and mumbling things quietly. she folded her hands behind her back, showing off how tall she was. she was definitely taller than she should've been. 5'11 wasn't the ideal height for a girl.

"i'm keiko sakusa. i stream, draw and uh.. sleep. i'm majoring in computer science."

kuroo raised an eyebrow, his smirk growing. he cleared his throat, cupping a hand to his ear. "what was that? i couldn't hear you through the mask."

she grew annoyed with kuroo. grabbing the loop of fabric from behind her ear, she pulled it off revealing her plump lips and rosy cheeks, along with a birthmark next to her left eye and one above her left eyebrow.

"my name is keiko sakusa. i'm 20, i stream, draw, and sleep. i'm majoring in computer science." her arms crossed across her chest, kuroo nodding and smiling in satisfaction.

"what do you stream?"

"games, mostly. i stream with my friend, ko. he's in here somewhere." she smiled softly, her anxiety getting to her. she sat down and put her mask back on.

kuroo went around the room, having each pupil introduce themselves in a way he found satisfactory. as the bell rang after awhile signaling this period was over, everyone stood and grabbed their stuff, heading for the door.

kuroo kept an eye on keiko as she stood at her seat, waiting for the crowd to die down before she exited.

"hey." he spoke up, picking up her phone and crossing his arms. she looked over, raising an eyebrow.

"yes, sir?"

"that's not something i said you could call me." he teased, holding her phone out in front of her. she reached for it, making him pull away quickly. "ah ah ah, not just yet. i saw you, y'know."

she tilted her head to the side a bit, lost. "saw me do what?"

"check me out the entire class." her cheeks turned bright red once again as she averted eye contact. he handed her her phone, smirking. "if you want a picture, i'll be more than happy to take one with you, little miss distracted."

"sir, i-i-"

"professor tetsuro." he corrected, arms crossing.

"..professor tetsuro," she cleared her throat, looking at him every few seconds. "i just.. you're attractive and um, i was just looking. if you'll excuse me, i have to go my next class, apologies."

"make sure you don't go on your phone while they're speaking, other teachers may not be so nice." he patted her head gently, making her lips turn to a frown. "what's with the mask?"

"germs." she mumbled, putting her backpack on. he retreated his hand quickly, laughing nervously.

"sorry, i thought you had a cold or something." his hand rubbed the back of his neck roughly, trying to adjust the awkwardness he had created. she shrugged and looked at him, pulling her sleeve over her hand and grabbing his hand gently, examining.

he raised an eyebrow, watching. she let go of it, pushing her seat in. "have a good day, keiko." she nodded, walking away towards the door.

she stopped, back to him. "you should wear red tomorrow." and with that, she dismissed herself.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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