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     KEIKO WALKED HOME WITH KENMA AS THE BREEZE BLEW THEIR hair around.  she had the house to herself tonight, and her first thought was to spend time with her bestie.

they got inside and threw their stuff down, both plopping down on the sofa.

"what you wanna do blondie?" keiko spoke, glancing at kenma. he shrugged, already playing a game on his nintendo. "oh my god wait i have something to tell you!"

"what now?" he groaned, knowing how long her story times got.

"dude. so i was walking today to get to class and.. kuroo stopped me and told me to get in. so obviously i did, as any sane person would. so we're just talking and he brings me to an empty fucking parking lot kenma." kenma glanced at her, not trying to show how involved he actually was with her rant. "anyways, he's like, get in the back seat. and i was hesitant cause who just does that randomly. but.. i did it anyways, and he crawled back there too..." she took a deep breath, staring at kenma.

"what?? what happened next?" he had paused his game to listen.

"he fucking ate me out in the backseat kenma!!!  it was so like.. different.  like he for sure knows what he's doing."

kenma stared at her, dropping his console.  "what.  you're fucking kidding."

"i'm not kidding i swear!" she put her hands up, both of the two getting riled up.

"that's so like.. i don't even know how to feel."

"me neither." she sat back on the couch, staring at the ceiling.  "it was good though."



keiko laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling.  kenma had went home 30 minutes prior, his mom picking him up.  she missed her family being home, the house was too quiet.

her parents always worked late.  graveyard shift late.  keiko and her older brother were always home alone.  if their parents weren't sleeping, they were working.

but of course, that also meant no supervision.  no rules.  no being told what to do or watched over.

kei grabbed her phone and opened her messages, clicking on the chemistry teacher's contact.  she stared at their last messages, wondering if she would text or not.  it was really, really late.

but she knew he was awake. 

tetsuro ❤️
1:58 A.M


hello pretty lady


thinking of you

come over?

On my way!

she giggled at the automated response.  keiko stood from her bed and turned her fluorescent light on, stretching.  she fixed her bed a bit, placing all of her stuffed animals in the net that hung in the corner of her room.

she threw the cans on her beside table and her desk away, also tossing dirty clothes in her hamper. 

kei stood in the mirror, rubbing her face.  she opened her top drawer, grabbing red underwear and changing into them.  she changed her sweats to black shorts, also putting on a tank top.

she brushed her already damp hair from her earlier shower, tying it in a braid.  she put chapstick on her plump lips and smiled at herself, knowing she was growing a crush on her chemistry teacher.

'gross keiko, gross.'

the iphone ringtone brought keiko back from her self argument, eyes shooting to her phone.  she walked over to it, seeing kuroo's name.

keiko sighed to herself, picking it up and answering.  "hey."

"hi love, im outside.  i didn't wanna knock and scare you. " she smiled, closing her eyes and putting her head back.

"i'm coming now."

she hung up quickly, running out of her room and downstairs.  she didn't want to admit it to herself but she was excited to see him.  she got to the door, fixing herself one last time, opening the white door with a smile.

"well hello there sir." she spoke smoothly, leaning against the door frame.

"hello darling." he smirked, half-lidded.  "can i come in please?"

"of course you can." she stepped aside, letting him walk in before shutting and locking the door.  she hugged him, smiling.  "i missed you."

"i missed you too." he chuckled richly, smiling.  "jeez, i haven't even been here where it was just you and i yet, this is different."

"very different." she smiled, grabbing his hand and dragging him.  "we're going to my room now, let's go."

"oh yes ma'am." he laughed at how she was gripping his wrist and pulling him, enjoying the neediness she was showing. "you're sure in a rush."

"not a rush." she opened her door, letting go of him. his eyes landed on her ass, noticing her ass cheeks were basically out in those shorts. his tongue lapped over his bottom lip, looking up at her quickly. "sit wherever you'd like, doesn't matter to me."

she sat on her bed, sighing. he smiled at the sight, choosing to sit next to her on her bed. he slipped his shoes off, laying down.

"look at you getting all comfortable." she smiled, pushing his hair away from his face.

"yeah well it's late and i'm tired sooo.." he looked at her, smiling and winking. "lay with me?"

keiko nodded, laying her head on his chest and sprawling her legs out, wrapping one in his. "can you shut my lamp off?" he nodded and reached over, clicking the switch and falling back comfortably onto the bed.

her eyes closed, breathing softly.  they stood quiet for awhile, keiko still lost in her thoughts, not being able to sleep. 

"...kuroo?  are you still awake..?" she spoke hesitantly, afraid of waking him.

"hm?" he cracked an eye open, trying to see her in the dark.

"what happened between you and adams?"

his eyes shot open, heart beginning to beat quickly.  he sighed, holding her closer.  "its.. it's nothing serious really.  we um.. we just talked for awhile, things didn't really work as planned, nothing much.  i lost feelings for her a long time ago, she toyed with them a lot."

keiko nodded, laying her head back down comfortably, closing her eyes.  "thank you."

"for what, hm?" he played with her hair, twirling certain pieces. 

"being honest with me.  no one ever really is."

kuroo swallowed hard, nodding.  "yeah.  yeah, i get what you mean."

after that the room fell comfortably back into silence.  keiko began drifting to sleep, kuroo now the one awake.

how long could he lie for without her knowing?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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