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Few Days Later :

Author's Pov :

Finally y/n is going home today.
Namjoon made her sit carefully on the passenger seat before driving to his mom's home. In a while they reached their home.
Namjoon opened the car door and carried y/n inside in bridal style. Everyone welcomed them even y/n's dad was present there.

Mr. Min - "How are you Honey?"

Y/n - "I'm fine appa"

Mr. Min - "I'm so sorry for not coming to see you at hospital
I was in Japan when yoongi said me about you I quickly took a flight and came back"

Y/n - "It's okay appa I understand"

They all sat down catching up a bit. Namjoon left y/n to go and see minjun. He came back in an hour to find Hana and y/n sleeping in his old bedroom.
He let them be and went to kitchen for having some water.

Mrs. Kim - "Namjoon I wanna talk to you"

Rm - "Yes mom?"

Mrs. Kim - "I know minjun did all of this"

Rm - *sigh* Mom I don't wanna talk about it"

Mrs. Kim - "You can't always escape from it.. You need to tell y/n about this"

Rm - "I will"

Mrs. Kim - "I know you'll not
You're my son I know you very well.. She is you're wife Namjoon
You need to open up to her... If this keeps happening you're relationship won't work"

Rm - "Mom you know I hate to talk about this.. Why don't you tell her?"

Mrs. Kim - "She is you're wife I can't tell her such a big thing you're the one who should tell her that not me"

Rm - "Mom-"

Mrs. Kim - "I don't want to hear anything just tell her everything
You have been delaying it a lot
Y/n don't deserve it"

She said and went away from there. Leaving a thinking Namjoon. He went to his office to have some alone time.

Few Days Later :

Y/n is all better now. So Namjoon thought of going back home. They packed all of their stuff to go home. But Hana wasn't willing to come home she loved being with her grandparents, when y/n was in hospital she used to play alot with them also jimin used to come visit her.

Y/n - "Hana come let's go"

Hana - "No I wanna stay here"

Y/n - "Baby-"

Mr. Kim - "Let her stay a while more... We both will take care of her"

Y/n looked at Hana she pouted.

Y/n - "Fine you can stay here"

Hana - "Yay!! Thank you mommy
I'll play a lot with grandma grandpa also with uncle chimmy"

Y/n chuckled at her behavior.

Rm - "We'll be leaving"

They bid their good byes and went back home.

Y/n - "It's so weird that Hana isn't here"

Rm - "You're used to her"

Y/n - "Mmm.. I miss her"

Rm - "She'll be back soon"

Y/n nodded looking out of the window. In a while they reached home and did nothing. Namjoon was working whereas y/n was sleeping or watching kdrama.

The next chapter is gonna be bomb. Com!!! Sorry if this chapter is small or boring

To Be Continued.....

𝗠𝘆 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗪𝗶𝗳𝗲 | 𝗞𝗡𝗝 | Where stories live. Discover now