". . . Forget about me."

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"Oh shit, shit, shit." Tommy whispered.

Seconds passed, the seconds seemed to last a lifetime for Newt. His vision was blurry, he could barely see anything, then Tommy squeezed Newts hand a little harder, grasping the blond's attention.

"Newt, do you remember the first time we met?" Tommy asked. Newt nodded his head quickly, still trying to breathe, but still failing.

"Tell me what you remember." Tommy said. Newt looked at the boy, he had curiosity masking the fear in his eyes.

Newt nodded his head again before starting.

"A- Alby was giving you a t- tour of the Gl- Glade, I remember seeing y- you guys and walking up." Newt said.

"Okay good, good, continue." Tommy said like Newt was a five year old reciting the alphabet.

Newt didn't know how to continue though, and Tommy spoke again, as if he saw his thoughts floating above his head. "Do you remember what everyone said?"

Newt nodded quickly, again.

"As I walked up, I- I said 'There you a- are Alby.' Alby laughed a little and s- said 'Greenbean, meet Newt. He's in charge when I- I'm not around.'" Newt paused, he took in a slow deep breath, finally.

He heard Tommy let out a sigh of relief as he did so, then he continued.

"I- I smiled and said 'hi' to you. Then I- I turned to Alby and said 'Well it's a good thing your always around t- then, huh?'" Tommy laughed at that, causing Newt to laugh slightly also.

"Then I turned back to you and said, 'That was some dash you made earlier, you know for a second there I- I thought you had the chops to be a runner, till you face planted.'" Newt laughed at his sentence as he remembered the boy falling to the ground.

Seconds later his breathing was finally normal, and he sighed as he relaxed. Tommy did the same, then he laughed.

"I messed my shoulder up with that fall, you know?" He looked down at Newt who was smiling now.

"Really?" Newt asked.

"Yeah," Tommy laughed, "yeah I- I did. It hurt for a day or two." He laughed again, and so did Newt.

"I didn't know that." Newt laughed, as he slowly sat up off the ground.

"You sure you can sit up so soon?" Tommy asked worried. Newt nodded his head as he finished sitting up the rest of the way.

Tommy sighed as he still held the blonds hand tightly, "you scared me," he said quietly with his head dropped the the ground, as if ashamed to say it.

Newt squeezed the boys hand back and placed his free hand under Tommy's chin lifting his head, forcing the brunette to look back at him.

"Why?" Newt asked, not knowing what else to say.

"You just-" Tommy paused, as if he had changed his mind of saying something.

"I just- what?" Newt repeated.

The brunette looked away and a tear slipped from his eye.

"You lying on the ground like that." He stopped and sniffed his nose, whipping a tear away with his wrist.

"It made me think of-" He cut himself off and sniffed his nose again. Newt squeezed his hand causing Tommy to look up at him.

"I- I couldn't lose you again, Newt." He said with a sob, he dropped his head to the ground and his face in his hands.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. Tommy, I'm right here." Newt said lifting the brunette's head back up, so he could look at him.

"I'm right here. Right here sitting in front of you, and that's where I'll be forever, from now on, at your side, with you." Newt looked into Tommy's eyes, they glistened with fresh tears.

It hurt Newt, seeing the boy on the ground in front of him like this, weak and broken.

And he hated himself for making him feel that way, for hurting the boy he loved.

Tommy nodded his head at Newts words and whipped away a tear that had fallen down his cheek.

"You should go to sleep." Newt said quietly trying not to look at Tommy as he spoke.

He saw Tommy reaction out of the corner of his eye, he saw the way his expression changed to confused, really confused, and slightly angry.

"What?" Tommy whispered harshly. "No. No, I- I'm not leaving  you, I just got you back. You must be out of your mind if you think I'm just going to leave you here, behind my hut, alone, in the cold."

The look on Tommy's face broke Newt, and he didn't respond to what the boy said, he just looked back at him. Newt gave Tommy a look that spoke the word he wanted to say for him, "go,".

Tommy didn't answer as he read the look on Newts face, then like the flip of a switch, he responded with every word he could to convince Newt to come with him.

"Newt. At least come and get a change of clothes, you're covered in blood, that looks. . . New."

He stopped and ran his fingers across Newts forearm, blood smeared onto his fingers and across Newts arm.

Confusion fully covered Tommy's face. "Wait, why does it look new?" He asked, then he looked down at his clothing and arms which were also covered in blood.

"Newt. . ." He whispered, "why are you covered in blood, and how long have you been covered in blood?" Soon an expression crossed his face as if something in his mind had clicked into place.

No, no, no, Newt thought. Please no.

"Tommy, you need to go, now." Newt stood up off the ground, pulling Tommy's arm.

"Newt?" Tommy almost yelled, forgetting it was the middle of the night. "What is going on? Please just answer my-"

"No!" Newt yelled in a harsh whisper. "You're going to go inside, go to sleep, and forget about me. Got it?" Newt had pulled Tommy off the ground and closer to the front door of his hut.

Tommy looked to confused to argue, Newt almost dragged him to the front of his hut. Then something must have came to Tommy's mind, and he stopped, he dug his feet into the ground, pulling Newt to a stop.

He had forgotten how much stronger Tommy was than him.

"Newt. . ." Tommy whispered.

"No! Go inside, now!" Newt almost yelled, quieting his voice with ever word. "Please."

Tommy stared at him, blank minded. Newt let go of his arm as he noticed they were at the front door.

"Goodnight Thomas." Newt said quietly as he started walking past him and back towards the woods.

Those were the last words said between the two for the rest of the night. . .

I'm so sorry it took so long for this to come out! I've been really busy lately and haven't even been on Wattpad for a couple months. But it's here!
Another cliffhanger! <3
The next chapter will be out a lot faster than this one I promise!!!
Anyway, thanks for all the reads and comments and everything all around!
Love you guys!!!! <3

-C <3

~1123 words~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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