"We can't remember how though."

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The next morning Thomas woke up to screams, ear piercing shrieks of a girl. He shot up off his back, now sitting on the floor.

Minho was already sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at the door like a Griever was going to kick through it and take him like they did Alby.

Minho looked down at Thomas, then they both jumped up and ran for the door. Minho was out first, only after he had pushed Thomas to the ground when he got there first.

Thomas ran out the door after Minho, he found him the farthest away he'd been in days, he was just standing there on top of a small hill you couldn't see over from where Thomas was. Minho was just looking down.

He caught up to Minho, but stopped right next to him as he saw what he was looking at.

Three more, Thomas thought. Three more dead bodies laid across the ground, all having stab wounds in their stomachs.

"Ten. . ." Minho whispered.

Thomas shivered at the sight, then noticed a girl with long blond hair holding one of the bodies, crying.

"No!" She cried hugging the lifeless corpse. "Please no!" She sobbed. He recognized the bodies, didn't know their name, but knew their faces, and could pick out their voices from a mile away.

They were more that had talked about Newt and him the night before. He'd never forget anything any of them said about him and Newt.
"Did anyone see him?" A girl asked, she tried whispering, but failed.

"You mean other than Thomas? I don't know." A boy answered. There were two boys and a girl. The boys had dark hair and the girl had blond.

"I thought I heard a rumor that Minho watched him die, and that Thomas is the one who killed him and didn't even try to save him. I don't know though." The other boy answered.

Thomas just wanted to cry, again. Had it been his fault Newt died? No. It couldn't, and even if it was his fault, he didn't let him die. He did try to save him, he did his best.

But sometimes your best isn't good enough.

Chuck was sitting beside Thomas around the fire. Minho was talking to Fry, nervously glancing over at Thomas every minute or so.

He heard the three continue talking about him and Newt, but he didn't want to hear anymore.

"Hey, I'm gonna go sit. . . over there." Chuck said hesitantly, Thomas just looked at him confused.

Chuck nodded his head to the side and Thomas looked where he was nodding. He saw Minho to start walk back over to Thomas.

    Thomas turned back to Chuck who had already stood up and started walking to another log not far from him.

Minho sat down beside him now.

    "Hey Thomas," Minho said for like the one hundredth time that day.

Who was it killing these people? And they weren't just random people either, they were people who had talked about Thomas and Newt behind his back.

And though most people didn't talk about him some did, and those some, were slowly fading to none.

While Thomas was in a trance someone had pulled the crying girl off the corpse, now hugging her as she sobbed.

"Holy shit dude." Minho whispered to Thomas.

"I know," is all Thomas could get out, his eyes kept darting from the three corpses to the sobbing girl covered in half-dried blood.

Gally walked over to Thomas and Minho, little Chuck by his side, both looking super uncomfortable and scared.

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