"Shuck it."

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Minho had fallen asleep on Thomas again after about an hour of them talking nonsense, Thomas knew it was a good way to keep anxiety out of Minho's system, and it worked.

Minho's head laid on Thomas's thigh as he snored in his sleep, Thomas sat on the edge of the bed reading Newt's journal. The Book Of Newt. . .

He didn't read the words more so than he just looked at Newt's handwriting, the distinct shapes his hands decided to make the letters, so sloppy, so imperfect.

It was perfect.

He picture the blonde writing this, how had he kept it from Thomas for so long? Considering he never left his side until. . . Thomas trailed of the thought, not wanting to think about it.

His eyes fell on his old Runners Vest that he had laid beside his bed. The old blade's handle sticking out of a pocket, Thomas put down Newt's book beside him, leaning down being careful not to wake Minho, running his fingers down the old wooden handle.

Newt popped into his mind, and he pulled the blade out of it's pocket. He looked at the blade, watching it glisten in the faint light of the lamp beside his bed.

He looked down at his arm, then back at the blade, then Newt came back to his mind.

He kept looking between his arm, the blade, and the image of Newt in his head. A tear stung his eye, then fell down his dirty cheek, landing on Minho's forehead.

Minho scrunched his face at the cold drop of salty water landing on him.

Thomas pulled the blade up to his face, seeing his haunted reflection in the shining metal. His under eyes were dark, his eyes make him look like a Crank himself, and his face was pale.

He looked back down to his arm and slowly placed the blade on it.

He looked down at Minho, his resting face had a small smile, even though he didn't smile much any other time.

He pressed the blade into his arm harder, and thought about Newt, how he could have saved him, how he was the cure.

"If Newt couldn't have my blood, no one else can either." Thomas said in a whisper, quiet enough to not wake Minho.

He looked back down a Minho, his smile so pure.

He couldn't, for Minho.

He dropped the blade to the ground, and placed his face in his hands, his arms resting on his knees, he slightly shook to his silent sobs.

He heard someone sigh, sounding of relief.

He looked down at Minho, who was still sleeping peacefully on his thigh. He looked up at the small window on the West side of the room, and a shadow of something quickly hid under the window, out of Thomas's view. . . Or someone.

Thomas didn't take his sight off the window for almost a minute, didn't blink, didn't look away, just stared.

Then again, the silhouette of a person peaked into the hut, then quickly ducked back down once they saw Thomas looking.

Thomas lightly picked up Minho's head, standing up and placing his friend's head on the bed.

Minho moved in his sleep, scrunching his face and moving to his arms. Then his smile faded, like he knew Thomas left him.

After Minho stopped moving he turned away looking back at the window, and again, the silhouette ducked away. Thomas walked over to the window, looking out.

It wasn't even a window, more just a hole in the wall.

He quietly walked up and looked out, nothing. Thomas stuck his head out the window and looked down, he saw nothing, but he heard someone's muffled breathing.

"Hello?" Thomas said looking down, then side to side, and out in front of him. No answer, just the same muffled breathing.

"I can hear you breathing! Who is it!" Thomas whisper-yelled hoping no one would hear him, in case he was going insane.

He had a bad feeling, so he pulled his head back in the window, but continued talking. "I'm not gonna hurt you." Thomas whispered barely noticeable.

Then he felt a hand on his shoulder, making him jump and let out a small cry.

"Hey, it's just me!" Minho said calmly, Thomas let out a sigh of relief. Minho nodded his head and moved his hand from Thomas's shoulder down to his arm and pulled him away from the window.

As Minho did so he heard someone let out a shaky breath on the other side of the window, but he ignored it, figuring it was just Gally trying to scare Thomas, or trying to spy on him and Minho for some reason.

Minho sat back down on Thomas's bed and yawned. "How long was I asleep?" He asked in the middle of his yawn, his arms stretching up and over his head, pulling his shirt up a little, showing a small part of his stomach.

Thomas sat down beside Minho, still looking out the window. A crazy image of Newt being the one on the other side flashed across his mind. But he refused to think about it, he slightly shook his head and looked at the ground.

"Hey," Minho said, "You've been there for me for the last two days. Now it's my turn to be there for you. What's wrong?" Thomas sighed and just looked at him.

When Thomas didn't respond, Minho asked another question. "Why were you at the window? And who were you talking to?" Minho asked, his face showed he blurted out words before stopping himself.

"I-" Thomas took a deep breath before continuing. "I thought I heard someone outside the window. I did hear someone out the window. Multiple times, and I got curious, walked over there, looked out, asked who they were. No one answered though." Thomas said, not sure how he sounded.

Minho just nodded his head.

"What'd they say?" Minho asked.


"Then what'd you hear?"

"Shaky Breaths, sighs of relief, quiet breathing." Thomas just looked at the ground and shook his head while telling Minho what he had heard.

"Sighs of relief?"


"Are you sure? Like, you're sure it wasn't your mind messin' with you?" Minho asked reassuringly.

I knew it, Thomas thought. I knew I was crazy.

"Yeah, yeah I'm- I'm sure." Thomas said almost annoyed. Minho opened his mouth to say something but Thomas cut him off before he could.

"Can we just talk about this later?" Thomas looked at Minho, "I'm tired, haven't slept much."

Minho nodded and laid down on the side of the bed closest to the wall, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

Thomas laid beside him, not closing his eyes and waiting for Minho to fall asleep.


A couple minutes went by and Minho was snoring again. Thomas slowly sat up and walked over to the window, looking out.

"Are you still there?" He whispered. "You don't have to talk, just give me a sign. Knock on the wall, sigh, hum. . . Anything. I need to know I'm not going crazy. . . Please" Thomas said quietly out the window.

Seconds passed with no response, "Shuck it," Thomas said turning to walk away from the window.

He walked back over the the bed, which Minho was now spread out in, leaving Thomas no room.

Thomas huffed, then grabbed him and Minho's old runner vests, pulling the knife out of Minho's placing it on the floor next to him.

He placed the Runner vests on the floor beside the bed and laid his head on them. He grunted at the uncomfortable ground beneath him.

But eventually darkness controlled his mind and sleep consumed him.
Sorry that these chapters are long, I just really like adding small details to make it more realistic :) Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed so far! I have enjoy writing it and excited to continue writing it!

-C <3

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