"I can't stop sweating."

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While Gally took Thomas and Minho to the bodies, Minho didn't say much, but Thomas asked questions like there was no tomorrow for him, like he was the next to be killed.

"Well, at least tell me their names!" Thomas almost yelled at Gally after he didn't answer any of his other questions.

Gally spun around almost making Thomas run into him. Minho tried stepping in front of Thomas so he was the one facing Gally, but Thomas stopped him before he could.

"Don't you think I'd tell you if I knew, Thomas?" Gally asked.

Thomas just looked at him. Gally turned back around and continued walking, Thomas and Minho following closely behind.

Once they reached the bodies Minho and Thomas looked at them. He immediately recognized them.

One was a boy and the other was a girl.

The boy had long blond hair reaching his shoulders, freckles here and there on his face.

The girl had longer dark brown hair and a freckle covered face.

They were two of the many he heard talking about him and Newt the day before.
"So Newt did turn into a Crank?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, a nasty one too." The boy answered. They were sitting around the fire even though it was midday.

They didn't see Thomas sitting nearby in a crowd of people almost hiding.

Even though he knew it would end up getting him hurt, he wanted to hear what they had to say.

"If he was sick, is Thomas sick too?" The girl asked. So many damn questions, Thomas thought.

"I don't know, probably." The boy shrugged. "Last I heard was that he never left Thomas's side until he died."

"Well, I'm glad we're immune. I don't wanna turn into that nasty thing. Newt. Oh god! I couldn't even imagine!" The girl said, disgust all over her face.

"Yeah, poor thing." The boy said, sympathy in his voice, but also disgust.

"Poor thing!?" The girl laughed. "Ha! Yeah right! That boy was a man eating, psychotic, disgusting, monster! Poor thing my ass! He deserved what he got. . . death."

Thomas shivered with anger, her words pissed him off. Something washed over him, but not anger, and something other than sadness.


Thomas wanted revenge, he wanted them dead, he wanted to see their deaths, and when he did, he would smile.

But first he had to plan. . . and cry, and that's exactly what he did.

"Blake and May." Minho said quietly, "Their names, Blake and May." No one answered him.

But Gally was right, they both had ten stab wounds in their stomachs, and the girl had a deep slash in her neck.

The blood around the slash in her neck looked older then the blood around the stab wounds, like whoever did this—

"They killed her before stabbing her." Thomas said blankly.

"If she was already dead, why would they still stab her like that?" Minho asked.

Revenge, Thomas thought.

"How the hell should we know Minho? We're not psychopaths." Gally said.

Revenge. Thomas thought again. He didn't dare say it out loud. Though only Thomas wanted revenge on the two, he was also confused as to why they had been killed.

"Sorry," Minho said sarcastically.

Not the time for sarcasm Minho. Thomas thought rolling his eyes.

"Who found them?" Thomas asked looking at Gally, he couldn't look at the bodies any longer. He thought seeing them dead would bring more joy, but it didn't

Gally slightly pointed over to someone across the grass land, hoping his point wouldn't drag attention to them.

They were sitting on a log, holding a small plate of Fry's food, lucky to be alive.

"Chuck." Gally said as he pointed.

Thomas's heart hurt at the sight of the kid, his curly brown hair almost fully covering his face and blue eyes.

Thomas didn't know how Chuck had survived the Scorch. Chuck may have survived, but it took a toll on his body.

He was smaller, less chubby, his face was more fit around his skull. But his loving Chuck look didn't leave him, just looking at the child could still make you smile.


For the rest of the day Thomas felt like he was being watched. And of course everywhere he look, someone was watching him.

But it wasn't their eyes he felt on him, they were someone else's, he didn't know how he knew, but they were someone else's, they were different.

No matter where he looked he could never find the eyes digging into the back of his head. The feeling didn't leave his side the entire day.

Like the ghost of a best friend.

Other than that, the rest of the day was pretty normal. Everyone was on edge though, of course, Thomas was also.

Minho and Gally had gotten into a fight earlier that afternoon. It started as a joke and stayed that way, but got more and more intense with every passing second.

Long story short, Gally almost broke Minho's nose and Minho almost broke Gally's finger. But nothing was broken. . . yet, try asking again tomorrow.

Thomas sat around the fire, the sun had finally set around them.

He sat in the same place he was sitting when he last saw and heard the two named Blake and May talking about Newt and him.

Anger washed over him again, but he pushed it away as he remembered they were dead. What he had wished to happen, happened.

"Hey Thomas." Minho said for like the one hundredth time that day, sitting down on the log next to Thomas after talking to Frypan for a little bit.

"Hey Minho," Thomas replied for like the one hundredth time that day.

Minho looked on edge, well, everyone was on edge, and ever since Newt, Minho had been on edge twenty-four-seven. But it seemed worse now.

"Hey, Minho, what's wrong?" Thomas asked.

Minho quickly look up at Thomas then back to the ground. He huffed before answering.

"I- I just can't stop sweating." He faked a laugh as he shook his almost trembling hands. Thomas's face dropped at the boy's words and actions.

Thomas rested his hand on Minhos shoulder with one hand and grabbed a shaking hand with his other.

"Wanna go to my hut? Away from these people?" Thomas asked. Without looking back at him, Minho nodded his head and stood from the log.

Only then did he look down at Thomas with a look that said, Please come.

Thomas's heart broke into a million pieces, as if it was made of crystal that had been dropped off a skyscraper from the ancient city's from long ago.

Thomas stood and started walking towards his hut, Minho very close behind, fidgeting with his own hands, and looking anxiously in every direction.

And again, Thomas's heart broke. . .
I'm sorry if this chapter is boring :( I just felt like I needed to give/show Minho's emotional side a bit. Next chapter will be better! :D

-C <3

~997 words~

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