ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 10 : The royal ball

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Jungkook stands in front of the body length mirror, a frown set upon his face. Why is it so hard for him to fight back? The maids dance around him and drape him in the most elegant of garments. The younger's eyes meet those of his reflection. He doesn't recognise himself at this point, not with the silk wear hugging his body and the gold earrings dangling from his ears.

Two maids work to polish his shoes and give it a shine. He dismisses them and continues to stand before the mirror. He hasn't seen Jimin and his heart seems to crave the older's presence. At the same time the king's warning rings loud and clear in his ears. The doors to his room swing inwards and the queen strides in, heels clicking against the wooden floorboard, the end of her gown sweeping the floor.

"My beautiful boy," she comments and closes the distance between them, kissing either cheek in greeting, "so gorgeous, darling. You'll have the princesses falling at your feet tonight."

Jungkook clenches his jaw but doesn't say anything. It's almost as though the queen holds some power and authority over him, that he just cannot speak up against. Not like he didn't try before but he knows it was weak and that was the best he could muster.

"Come now, darling. You're needed to inaugurate this grand evening with your presence."

She takes his hand and his knees go weak, almost robotically following her as she leads them out of his room and down the corridor toward the staircase. The king stands there and Jungkook's gaze falls to the floor. The queen makes Jungkook stand sandwiched between her and the king. Over the rail, they look down upon the royal folk gathered in the grand hall from kingdoms near and far.

The king's words fall upon Jungkook's deaf ears when he spots someone among those gathered in the great hall.


The servant carries a tray, serving glasses of wine to the royal folk. He accidentally trips over someone's foot but he regains balance somehow, visibly giving a sigh of relief when the glasses stay perched upon the tray.

"You stepped over my shoe, you filthy blood," shouts a man, face crumpled in an expression of disgust.

Jungkook somehow knows what's coming when the man raises a hand. A resounding slap echoes and the royal folk crack into laughter, mocking the servant over his mistake. The prince's jaw clenches, eyes misting over, blood boiling.

"I'm sorry," Jimin mumbles over and over again.

"I apologise for that. He isn't our brightest servant," the king's voice booms.

The royal folk erupt into bouts of laughter. Jimin gets on his knees, tray placed on his side, using his sleeves to wipe the man's shoe.

"No servant is bright," someone from the crowd shouts out and Jungkook's hands clench into fists. Jimin all but scrambles from there once the man seems satisfied that his shoe is clean enough.

"Right you are," agrees a lady.

"Let the royal ball begin!" the king roars, throwing his hands out with a huge smile.

The orchestra in the corner takes it as their cue to start, their bows going up before they fall back, brushing the strings of their violins. The cellos join in a second later. Music fills the hall and the cheers of the royal folk die down as they partner up to dance over the floor.

The king and queen walk their son down the stairs and in the middle of the floor.

"Dance, honey," the queen urges him and gives him a nudge in the direction of a young woman no older than him, draped in the finest silk.

She gives him a bow and steps closer.

"May I be blessed with the opportunity to dance with you, dear prince?"

Jungkook can't seem to form words and ends up nodding instead. Her smile is blinding as she wraps her arms around the prince's neck and Jungkook awkwardly places his on her waist. They sway to the music. Jungkook didn't know where he learned to dance like that but he tells himself it's probably another trait of the main character.

As they twirl around, Jungkook catches Jimin's eyes in the midst of the crowd that forms a circle, watching them dance, and somehow the distance between them seems too far. He gulps down a lump and looks back at the princess, too close to him for his liking.

"You say this today, Jungkook, but when you're in front of a crowd gathered on the ballroom floor along with the king and the queen, you'd think differently."

The queen has her hand on her chest, internally cooing at her son dancing with the young princess.

"Your choice wouldn't be me then."

Their bodies move in sync.

"The consequences would weigh down heavily on your shoulders and you would seek an easy way out."

Jungkook's eyes sneak back to the crowd. It's hard to do it especially when they're dancing on a ballroom floor surrounded by a crowd. It's hard to focus and keep track of his steps when his mind is on Jimin.

"What if I chose you instead?"

Jungkook pulls his hands away from the young woman, who seems perplexed when he does it.

"I'll be convinced you are crazy."

The king's eyes trail Jungkook's every movement as steps into the crowd, eyes in search of the man his heart longs for. Jimin freezes in his place when Jungkook's eyes meet his, and a bunny smile creeps onto his lips. He outstretches a hand toward the servant and gasps ring out all around him.

Jimin's eyes visibly well up, disbelief written over his face.

"Told you I'd choose you," Jungkook chuckles as Jimin hesitantly slips a hand in his.

Jungkook grins wide as he gently pulls Jimin on the dance floor. He can feel the king's glare on the back of his neck as whispers erupt through the crowd, but Jungkook pays no attention to any of it. He guides Jimin's arms around his neck and gently places his fingers on the man's waist, pulling him closer.

Jimin's cheeks burn red, "you really are crazy."

They dance together, feet moving to the beat. Jungkook cherishes it all, the feel of Jimin in his arms, close to him. It's what he has missed all along. How did he never notice it before?

Jungkook closes his eyes shut and presses his forehead against Jimin's. It just feels so right, he thinks to himself, as they sway to the music.

"End the music," the king roars to the guards over the music, but his voice doesn't reach the two dancing in the midst of the crowd, "this ball has come to an end. Close the gates."


Did I mess up?

31 May, 2023

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