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I felt as Leona's shoes tapped the floor, making his body bounce, along with me, not even caring anymore, bouncing as well.

I hanged tiredly in his arms until I heard a sigh and a gleeful scream, someone swiftly pulled me from Leona's claws, leaving him FLABBERGASTED!!! Lovely.

"Kitty-Chan!!" A familiar voice screamed, Kalim's voice. He seemed to have come up with a name for me. I pat him lightly on the head as Jamil did a sort of 'face palm'.

"Hello... Y/N." Jamil said annoyed at Kalim's brief actions towards me.

"Give back the kitty." Leona said with a dark voice, filled with annoyance. Kalim wasn't listening and was just hopping around in the air, holding me up by the armpits, I don't remember using my unique magic... HOW STRONG IS KALIM!!?!?!?!?

"I'm The Only One!"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin