L... e... o... n... a... LEONA!?!?

639 19 7

The boy snickered at my newfound 'nickname'.

"Yeppsironi! Hehe~!" He said as his tail swayed,

A person walked up behind us and grabbed me, he put me over his shoulder, I saw a brown tail with a puff on the end, and a yellow vest. I could tell the guy was glaring at the Smiley Kit, I felt bad, I tried to break free from his grasp, he wrapped his tail around my torso, locking my arms as well inside his tail.

"NYAAAAAAHHHH!! LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" I scream trying to shake from his grasp, he walks away holding me, the Smiley Kit was gone with a smile. Gone just like that.

"LEEETTTT NYAAAAHHH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed kicking, I tried to free myself from his grip. He only tightened his grip though.

I felt us enter a mirror and I saw a long desert, two people ran up to the man with the puffy tail wrapped around my torso.

"Leona! Why did you kidnap someone!?" One of them screamed... L... e... on... a... LEONA!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

I kicked harder, he held me down, "Calm down, Ruggie." Leona demanded, annoyed.

I heard an unfamiliar voice ask, "Who are they dorm leader?" He asked, I couldn't see them.

"A cat." Leona turned me a bit to look at the... "Kitty meet Jack, Jack meet the Kitty."

AN: I would like to say, I am going to be on a three day vacay!! So I gave a double update!

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