Professor Trein and Lucius...

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I was sitting down in class, these two boys behind me kept fighting... Ace and Deuce. I've heard of them but never met them! They're annoying, that Ace kept flicking my ears and tail!

'What a jerk.' I thought as I flicked my tail back at him slapping him.

The small cat Lucius kept looking at me, and meowing after all of the Professor's sentences.

Mozus Trein kept splattering words at the confused class, me though, I was in aw... I never knew all this knowledge! Doing it without a book would be impossible for me! Then I though of something...

I rose my hand high speedily, he and Lucius flinched. My tail started to sway, he pointed his finger at me and called one me.

"Professor Trein I just want to ask... how do you remember this without a book!? It would be impawssible for me!" I said, he brought his hand up to his chin... HE LAUGHED!! I internally 'Yes'ed myself... Lucius looked shocked that TREIN his Trein was laughing!

"Meow." Lucius announced,

"Meow." I hummed back at him, he looked away from me and back to the shaking Professor.


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