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"Hello, Kitty~." Vil said with a sly smirk, he dangled what was left of the Widows Vine he just dropped into the cauldron over the ground.

"How are you, Vil?" I asked, my tail swaying behind me,

"I am wonderful. You do realize Rook is following you, yes?" He said with a dark glare to behind me.

"I realized from the first moment..." I groaned with a sigh,

Rook popped his head out from under a desk, "How wise!"

"I just have a good sense of my surroundings. At first, it felt like a bird, but I realized it was a human. Who else would be as swift as a bird either then one who wears it as a disguise?" I recited, bobbing my head.

"Hm." Vil made a hum like noise. A bell was heard, meaning class was over.

"Bye Vil! Bye Rook!" I said as I waved away to them, walking out of the Potions Lab.

'Alright.' I thought to myself, 'Now it's... Physical Education? Here they just call it flight class I guess.' I walked my way to the field.

Coach Vargas was explaining all this stuff to us, I felt something latch to my tail. I turned around to see a brooms bristles stuck to my tail fur.

The broom... lifted off.

"MYAAAAAAAAA!!" I screamed being lifted into the air, "I HATE THINGS WITH BRISTLES!!!"

The broom suddenly detached its bristles from my tail, I started to fall, I was at least 100 feet from the ground.

Suddenly fire flies appeared and I felt myself be caught by someone.

I was set in someone's arms, I looked at the man that saved me, he had weird horns and dark black hair.

"Malleus!" The boy looked over at a younger looking one, "Good catch!" Two others were running behind the small boy with pink and black hair. I was kind of shaking, I felt someone start to rub my ears though. I started to make a purring and growling sound. I grabbed the hand trying to make it stop but it continued. "Awwww! What a cute kitty!" The small boy said as the tall one rubbed my ears.

"Mm." The tall one, named Malleus, hummed in response.

"Young Master! What are you doing!?" A green haired one screamed, it made my ears twitch in pain. The tall one covered my ears still rubbing them.

He glared at the green haired one, "Petting them." He said,

'T-THATS OBVIOUS!! YOU DON'T NEED TO ACTUALLY SAY IT THOUGH!?' I internally screamed, but I kept feeling my mind loosening with each rub he pushed onto my ears, and each purr and growl that escaped from my throat.

And I felt my eyes slowly close.


hope you enjoyed this LONG chapter!! AND IT HAD TWO SIMP WORTHY CHARACTERS!!!!!

"I'm The Only One!"जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें