A furrow creases Minho's brow, hesitation clings to his every word, uncertain of his own ability to capture the profound essence of their shared existence. Doubts loom like shadows, threatening to overshadow the tender beauty of the moment.

"But Jisung," he responds, "my writing isn't that good and— I've never written lyrics before. What if I'm not good enough?"

There is a shake of the head from the latter. "Your writing is beautiful, Minho. I've never read anything like it, and you deserve so much recognition, lovely. But for now, I'll gatekeep. Plus, I write lyrics often! It's something for us to do together."

"But what if, on my part— what if I fail to capture the essence of what we have? It could ruin your hard work..."

Jisung's gaze softens, his thumb caressing Minho's cheek with a tenderness that speaks volumes. "Minho, perfection eludes us. The song will not be about success or failure; it'll be about expressing ourselves, leaving a piece of our hearts out for the hell of it. It's our journey encapsulated in melody and lyrics."

Love and uncertainty swell within Minho's heart, entwined like the ebb and flow of a bittersweet melody. Yet, he recognizes the earnestness glimmering within Jisung's eyes, and with a newfound determination, he nods.

"Okay— alright, let's do it. I want to do it, with you."

♩     ﹑    ≻     ⑅     ᵎ

Present time

As the taxi meanders through the bustling streets, Minho's consciousness gradually emerges from the vivid recesses of his mind. He worries his lip. This was not how he expected his week to go.

The once-distant memories fade, relinquishing their hold on his thoughts, and the stark reality of the present takes hold. Five long years have passed since the bittersweet end of his relationship with Jisung, their love story interrupted by the cruel hand of fate.

It once loomed ominously, poised to shatter their idyllic reverie and plunge them into an unforeseen future. And it did.

Regret tugs at Minho's heart when he recalls the events of the previous night— a stupid mistake, one that he could not blame on alcohol. But, what made it foolish still, was the pure fact that he did not recognise his own ex. And instead, took him to bed. A celebrity. A stranger. One who had shared his deepest affections in the past.

Their reunion, devoid of recognition, haunts Minho's every thought, compelling him to seek redemption.

Caught in the liminal space between hesitation and longing, Minho finds solace in the passing cityscape. The kaleidoscope of urban lights dances before his eyes, shimmering like fragments of forgotten memories. Does Jisung know? How would he react? Should he reach out to him? The questions reverberate through his mind, a delicate symphony of hope and trepidation.

The digits on a mere post-it note crumpled inside his pocket don't help.

He takes out his phone and sighs.

At first, he doesn't add his number straight away. Instead, he scrolls all the way down to the bottom of his messages, and taps on a specific one.

The last conversation comes into view.

Friday, 21st December 2018 19:46

the company says we have to break up, its for my image

are you acc fucking serious rn
a breakup over text
after taking full credit for a song you barely even wrote

well yea

you dont seem too bothered ab the break up
at all
do u even care ab me han
bc rn
im starting to think u used me for popularity

how tf could u say that about me

lol well you CLEARLY dont give a shit, u told your fucking company that what we did together was all your work, and now your becoming unrighteously famous
i fucking loved you yk

well its not like we rlly talk anymore, sorry

i wonder whos fault that is

u sound really jealous rn lmfao

oh my god im not fucking jealous im pissed off and upset and confused i dont know why you would suddenly do this
its like our relationship just didnt matter to you
i still fucking love you jisung

it was kinda dry anyway

what the fuck
dont come running to me when it ruins you
cant believe i fell in love w your selfish ass

Minho didn't mean to read so much.

The messages, once etched in digital ink, now serve as painful reminders of a love lost and a heart shattered. With each swipe, he plunges deeper into the haunting depths of his past.

His breath catches in his throat as he reads the final exchange— the messages that tore his world apart. The words sting like acid, etching scars upon his soul even after all these years. Jisung's once-beloved name mocks him from the screen, a reminder of the heartbreak he endured.

The blunt hostility of Jisung's words reverberates in Minho's mind, each syllable like a dagger piercing his chest. The weight of rejection bears down upon him, the magnitude of their shared history reduced to a single, callous text message.

It was a blow that left him breathless, his world crumbling beneath the weight of his shattered dreams.

As the memories flood back, Minho is transported to that moment in time— when the walls closed in, and he crumbled beneath the weight of his pain. The room spun, his knees giving way, as he clutched his phone, desperate for an explanation that would never come. The echoes of his anguished cries haunt him still, echoing through the corridors of his heart.

He shouldn't cry. He couldn't cry. Not here, in a taxi, where he'd look so pathetic.

But they threaten to fall anyway. They mock like the awful goodbye of Han Jisung.

Tears cascade down Minho's face, each drop carrying with it the raw agony that consumed him then. How could love, once so radiant, be extinguished with such ruthless efficiency?

And, in the moment, this time, it is he who quietly quotes himself,

"Jisung. How could you say farewell so brutally? Did our love mean nothing? 'My wounds, though scarred over, remain tender to the touch, aching reminders of a love that was torn asunder. The pain you inflicted still lingers, a constant companion in the shadows of my heart.'"

a/n: GIRLLLL i don't know if that was angsty or not, but if it was then it's my first proper time writing somet like that☝️☝️PLEASE LMK HOW IT IS LMFAOO

anyway its like almost 3am but i HAD to update today cause i'm seriously lacking and i swear down "keep you safe" will have its limelight eventually... yeah

i'm jus thinking about putting it on hold because its such a pain to write😞😞like i hate how i wrote the first bit so it puts me off plus lack of motivation, like i like the storyline BUT I THINK YOU GUYS WANT THESE STORIES INSTEAD YK? tell me fr ily.

EITHER WAYY, i'm gonna sleep so thank you so much for readingg, you all know i already love you mwah mwah <33

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