fare thee well

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5 years ago  October 7th, 2018

Beneath the sheltering boughs of the majestic oak tree, sit Minho and Jisung.


Minho could still hardly believe it was true— that Han Jisung, the one and only, was all his. And had been, for two years, on this very day. It was the second annual mark of their relationship, the light of their lives— another year swept away of their undying love.

He embraces the smile breaking onto his face, finding respite from the world around him. It was a good day. Minho wishes he had good days like these, all the time.

Jisung fidgets beside him.

The gentle caress of a warm breeze sets the leaves above in motion, casting dancing shadows upon their figures. A tranquil Sunday afternoon envelops them in a cocoon of nostalgia and tender emotions. Again, Minho wishes for more good days like these.

"The sky is so pretty at this time," Jisung, his head nestled upon Minho's shoulder, gazes into the distance while he whispers.

There is a tiny, soft scoff as a reply. "Jisung," Minho says, "you, yourself, are prettier than that sky, all of the time."

"Stop it."

Jisung goes for a smile, but his eyes fill with both affection and uncertainty. Minho can't detect this. The future looms before them, an expansive canvas awaiting their brushstrokes, and yet they are paralyzed by the weight of indecision and the haunting fear of missteps.

"Minho," Jisung's voice, soft as a whispered melody, breaks the temporary silence like a delicate note of anticipation. "Do you ever think about what the future holds for us?"

Minho feels a little confused at how sudden this question is. A sigh escapes his lips, his eyes fixed upon the distant horizon. It's as if he's searching for answers in the ethereal expanse. "Quite a lot, actually. Why?" Jisung sits up and leans his head on the oak behind him, hair being pushed upwards.

"I was just wondering. Because of the poem you wrote a few months back. 'The uncertainty wraps around me like a cloak, leaving me adrift, unsure of which path to tread. The map of life has faded, rendering me directionless.'" he quotes with a chuckle, "I may have analysed it a bit..."

"Don't quote it! God, that's embarrassing..." but Minho still beams. "Wait... you read my poems? That's cute, 'Sungie."

Jisung rolls his eyes and lightly hits his arm. "Don't direct it back onto me! I'm serious, hyung." His fingers trace gentle patterns upon Minho's palm, a tender reassurance woven within the touch. "I just— that's how I feel about the future, put into words. I don't know what we'll do in a couple years time."

"I hope everything will stay the same. How you'll still be just as adorable, and mine, of course. How we'll sit here every Sunday evening with you beside me, always. Can you promise me that at least, my love?"

Jisung blinks, head leaving the tree's surface, "Of course I can promise you that! I'm yours forever, and you're mine forever. Which is why..." he trails off.

"Which is why, what?"

Minho turns to face him, their eyes locking in a profound connection, as if the world fades into insignificance, leaving only the two of them within an intimate realm of vulnerability and understanding.

Jisung's voice brims with fervour, a spark of inspiration shimmering in his eyes. "Let's write a song together, Minho. Pour our emotions, hopes, and dreams into it. It could be an anthem of our love, a reflection of our journey together. No pressure, no expectations, just a creation born out of pure affection."

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