Sumiko: awww why not.

Konomi: because I don't trust you bitches.

Inoko: wow aren't you the honest little thing.

Konomi: little? Your literally the shortest one here, wtf are you saying.

Inoko: go jump off a cliff.

Konomi: go hang yourself.

Ria: alright alright that's enough, I propose a toast (raises her glass) to friends memories and all the bullshit that's gonna go down to night.

Sumiko: yeah (raises glass).

Inoko: woooh (raises glass).

Konomi: sure whatever (raises glass).

    The girls continued to have fun and argued with each other and thirty minutes later, three of them were tipsy except for Sumiko who was already drunk.

Sumiko: hey girls look over there (pointing towards the VIP lounge) aren't those guys super handsome omg damn, I mean look at them.

Ria: your right though look at the one with long purple hair.

Inoko: look those three that look older than the rest, they be giving me sugar daddy vibes.

Sumiko: for real though.... Notice me daddy!

Konomi: are you drunk?

Sumiko: can't you tell?

Inoko: that was fast.

Sumiko: I have an Idea, a really good one.

    At this point Ria and Inoko were already pretty much drunk, and Konomi was very close to being drunk also.

Inoko: tell me let's play truth or dare.

Konomi: good idea.

Ria: alright alright chill.... I'll go first, Inoko truth or dare.

Inoko: truth

Sumiko: wuss.

Inoko: shut the fuck up.

Ria: did you really fuck your ex.

Konomi: nah jit be trippin.

Inoko: yes I did and his dick was as good as when I left it.

Konomi: like seriously?

Inoko: yeah whatever, Sumiko truth or dare.

Sumiko: I pick dare.

Ria: this should be good (sips drink).

Konomi: I just sit back and observe.

Inoko: you see that cute bar attendant over there, the one that served us drinks.

Konomi: I don't like where this is going.

Ria: I do.

Inoko: I dare you to go kiss him on the lips.

Konomi/Ria: oooooooh

Sumiko: (gets up) oh well, at least he's handsome.

Konomi: wait your gonna go?

Sumiko: of course, I don't see why not (start working towards the bar).

Ria: she really gonna do it.

Inoko: I have no idea, maybe she'll chicken out.

Konomi: she doesn't look like it.

    They all watched as Sumiko made her way to the bar, when she got there she sat down and called for the bar attendant.

Sumiko: excuse me I need something.

Bar attendant: yes what do you need miss.

Sumiko: a kiss.

Bar attendant: huh?

    Before the attendant could do anything Sumiko already leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips and walked away, leaving him there looking dumbfounded.

Konomi: damn you got more balls than Inoko's ex.

Sumiko: I know I know, alright your turn Konomi truth or dare.

Konomi: dare I guess.

Sumiko: woah ok ok um, you see that stage with the pole over there (pointing to the stage).

Konomi/Ria/Inoko: yeah.

Sumiko: I dare you to entertain us for three songs.

Ria: you ballzy enough to take on the challenge girl.

Konomi: watch me bitch.

Inoko: now I know the wine is talking, but this is gonna be fun.

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