♛ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 ♛

Start from the beginning

"I love this new Clara!" We both burst into laughter as we continue on our way to the teachers to grab our first-Aid kits.

By the time we walked back, after I had to quickly stop off at the front reception cafe area to buy Xavier another Pepsi, the tent was finally set up.

"You guys have been gone for hours, where did you go?" Tom jogs up to us as we approach the tent.

"It's a long story which I think is best appropriate to be told around the campfire later...BUT! Let's just say it involved Clara, Ruby and my Pepsi," Xavier then nods his head in approval at the tent, putting on his 'spectator' act back on as Tom stands there with his jaw hanging open, which I physically had to shut for him. Tom then rolls his eyes but a slight smile tugged at his lips. "The tent looks good!"

"My time to shine!" I part my way through them and approach the tent and head towards Savannah who had all of our decor stuff ready at hand. "Let's get to work!"

After about an hour of stringing up fairylights inside the tent (Jameson had to help me multiple times because I was too small to reach to ceiling) and placing a few bean bags here and there. We had the room looking spectacular if I do say so myself.

I bet even Jamesons palace can't outdo this tent.

Now we're sitting outside our tent around our little circle we made with our log seats just chilling with each other. The sun was starting to set more and it was so peaceful. Xavier told the group the whole Pepsi story to everyone in dramatic detail, leaving everyone shocked and laughing uncontrollably.

After a while as the sun was getting lower and lower, I stood from my log stool and turned towards the the lake poking out between the trees and started to make my way over.

Once I reached the sandy area I sat down and let the little lapse of water pool around my bare feet as I leant back on my hands and stared up and watched the sunset.

"Want some company?" I tilted my head to the side as I head someone behind me, my hair falling infront of my face a little. I smiled when I saw Jameson stroll over to me.

He looked so calm and peaceful. The setting sun shone on his beautiful bronze skin and made his ocean green eyes glow. He quiet literally looked like a god.

He came over beside me and sat down, laying on his back fully as he started up at he sky. I followed suit, laying on my back.

"Isn't it beautiful"

"Mhm" I look look up at him as I turn my head to see him already looking at me. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. What's happening to me?

"I wish I could stay in this moment forever. The sun setting, it's warm, a beautiful lake and trees. What more could you want?" I sigh in awe.

Jamesons lips tug into a small smile as he lets out a light chuckle. "You're different, Rose" he locks eyes with me, his magnetic gaze trapping me so I couldn't look away. "A good different that is" he smirks.

I push his arm playfully and scoff, rolling my eyes sarcastically but I was smiling nonetheless.

"Do you ever wish you wasn't a prince?" I hope I'm not pushing it too far. I'm not really sure where I stand with Jameson. We're definitely becoming more comfortable with each other but our friendship still needs a little work. But I really enjoy being around him and I hope he feels the same.

He lets out a heavy sigh. "Always" he closes his eyes for a second then reopens them. "I'm not even sure why my parents need me to go back on Wednesday. My brothers going to be king someday anyway. I'm just the spare. Not that I mind it" he glances at me with a smirk. "Because the last thing I want is to be king but sometimes..." he trails off searching for the right words, frowning.

"It can feel like you have no purpose, that you barely know who you are anymore..." i meet Jamesons piercing soft eyes and he nods.

"Exactly that." His eyes are searching mine, soft yet electrifying.

Suddenly I hear running feet behind me.

"Last one in's cooking us all dinner!" Xavier screams as he sprints from the trees and dives into the lake, creating a huge splash that sprinkles over us.

"Wait for us!" Jameson jumps to his feet, ripping off his hoodie, revealing his very sculpted muscles and tanned skin and throws it to the side. I find it very hard to tear my eyes away but somehow I do as I throw off my top and shorts so I'm in my bikini. Jameson turn to me and stretches out his hand towards me. "Coming Rose?"

I smirk, slipping my hand in his and nod.

We sprint into the water, laughing as we swim out to the middle to Xavier who was perched on a rock. The water was refreshing against my skin.

Soon the twins and Savannah join us (the twins have to cook us dinner). We spend the rest of our afternoon having water fights, laughing and diving from the rocks in the centre of the lake.

I really wish moments like these would last forever.

Sorry this camping trip is taking up a few chapters but I hope you guys are enjoying it :)
I love reading all of the lovely comments, you guys honestly make my day :)
Have a great day/night!

Also, for anyone wondering this is the type of tent i was picturing, not this exact one but this is the only picture i could find which shows the sectioned off rooms (and yes it's very extra but that's just them) :

Also, for anyone wondering this is the type of tent i was picturing, not this exact one but this is the only picture i could find which shows the sectioned off rooms (and yes it's very extra but that's just them) :

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