♛𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱♛

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The next day I sat at lunch with Savannah. I had just grabbed my food and she waved me over.

I glanced around the canteen and noticed the four boys at their usual table. I also noticed Savannah side glance me, raising her eyebrows as she followed my gaze.

"So..." She took a slip of her coffee. "Rumour has it that you spent some quality time with the golden boys after school yesterday,' she waggled her eyebrows, taking more sips of her coffee. I froze with my sandwich in my hand, mouth gaping. I think my eyes nearly fell out of their sockets.

How does she know that? How does anyone know that? Perks of being the new girl.

"Ah, so that's why I've been given more glares than usual today." I squinted, awkwardly tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Savannah squealed excitedly. This girl-

"So it's true! Tell me EVERYTHING!" She practically bounced in her seat, practically downing her coffee. I reached out and took it from her hands.

"Easy on the coffee. And don't shout!! I really don't want the whole squad of fan girls planning ways to kill me," I ushered. But seriously, literally every girl was giving me the evils. "But, it's really no big deal. We ended up having detention together for a couple of hours and that was it." I also went to McDonalds with them after, but I decided to leave that out so Savannah wouldn't faint on the spot. Speaking of, we all actually got on really well. Well, Xavier the twins and I. Jameson spoke to me a few times but not that much. Savannah's eyes grew to the size of saucers.

"What are they like? Are they all super hot? Ooo did you talk to them?!" She focused all of her attention on me. I couldn't help laughing a little.

"Yes, I spoke to them." I rolled my eyes. "I already knew Xavier and the twins from class, but Jameson..." I thought back to our awkward encounter. He wasn't a bad guy, that I know of, but he also was very closed off. He made that clear to me. We respected each-other, but we're far from friends.

"YOU SIT WITH THEM IN CLASS!!" Savannah screamed, fanning her face. I slapped a hand over her mouth so she couldn't embarrass me in-front of the whole school. A couple of girls turned around to look at us, sending Savannah a smile and then glaring at me. I rolled my eyes. Jeesh.
"Sorry!" She half whisper shouted. "But they don't let ANYONE sit with them." She squealed.

"Huh," I thought back to my lessons with them. "I'm sure that's not true-" I protested, but deep down I was vaguely aware that they ignored most people.

I mean, Jameson is literally a freaking Prince.

Savannah signed, almost in a daydream. I almost jumped when she suddenly straightened her poster, eyes wide and alert, as she suddenly became very interested in her food. I furrowed my brows in confusion and was just about to ask if she was okay when...

"Excuse me, it's Clara right?" A high pitched squeal sounded in-front of me, and I looked up to see a girl with bleached blonde hair who wore way to much makeup for her face. Two minions, one with blonde hair and the other a light brown, shadowed her movements. Ah, the mean girls. Well, that's the vibe I have gathered so far. But why were they here, talking to me? I plastered on a small polite smile.

"It is." I replied politely. I took a sip of my Fanta. She gave me a fake smile which immediately dropped as she suddenly placed her hands of her hips and squinted at me.

"Well," She smugly flipped her hair behind her shoulder. "I'll just let you in on a little secret. Those boys-" She very over dramatically waved to them. I followed her gaze to see Xavier looking our way, well he was looking between me, and whoever this girl is, with a frown. He lent over to Thomas, who sat beside him and whispered something to him. Thomas looked our way and rolled his eyes when he noticed the bleached blonde girl. I chocked on my Fanta when they ignored her and smiled at me instead. Uh oh.

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