♛𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧♛

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"Next!" The lady at the reception desk screeches, signalling Xavier to go up.

We're all lining up to hand in our slips to say we can go on the camping trip. It's now Friday and the deadline is inn...20 minutes. Very last minute. But we just didn't have enough time to all go on the other days.

Xavier hands in his slip.

"Write down who's in you're group...here..." she points a long finger on a separate sheet of paper.

Savannah is bouncing on her heels behind me (she said she wants to join our group!) while we wait excitedly. I love camping, seeing the stars, exploring woods and building fires...

I see Xavier hand back the pen as he takes our slips from our hands and gives it to the lady. "All done!" He flashes a winning grin.

Thomas is scrolling through something on his phone. "Well we should probably pack now since we go tomorrow."

All of our eyes widen.

"I thought we were going on Monday?" Grayson frowns. Thomas shakes his head, turning his phone so we can all see the screen that says 'camping trip extended. Now begins Saturday-Friday."

"That's seven days..." Jameson frowns, pulling out his phone. Xavier gives him a look that says so?!
"I have to go back home on Wednesday for a meeting and to sort out paperwork," Jameson runs a hand through his hair.

All of this royal stuff must be getting to him because he's been stressed out recently.

"Jamie we can come with you if you like! We'll sneak out of the campsite and return for Friday. Easy!" Xavier pits Google maps on his phone to calculate the distance.

"But you've been waiting for this trips for months..."

"Nonsense. We'll still have Saturday to Tuesday. Honestly seven days it's a bit much. Plus we barely get to leave the school grounds as it is-"

"Okay fine. Just try to stay away from my brother, he's back for the holiday." Who's his brother? I wonder. And why do we need to stay away from him? I don't ask any questions, but Xavier gives me a I'll tell you later look.

Xavier puts his arm around my shoulder as we all begin to walk back to our dorms to pack.

"So, Clara, official best friend of Xavier. Are you at all regretting you're decision to join our group?" He wiggles his eyebrows jokingly.

I laugh in response. "Not at all."

I glance behind us and see Savannah and Thomas walking together, smiling. Are Thomas's cheeks going pink or is that just me? I nudge Xavier and gesture my head for him to look. Jameson and Grayson turn to see what we're looking at.

We all share a silent look that says aww!! and continue on our way, smiling and making plans for the camping trip.


"I can't carry all of this." Xavier whines, dramatically dragging his camping bags towards the coach where we're all waiting to go on.

"Xavier how many times dude do we have to tell you to carry LIGHT!" Grayson rubs his temples, frustrated.

"This is LIGHT!" I shake my head laughing and we all help carry his things to be loaded onto the coach.

I link arms with Savannah. Time to play cupid. We were talking last night and she was saying how well she gets on with Tom, so my plan today. Mission get Savannah and Tom to sit with each-other on the coach.

"Ready?" I grin at my best friend. Savannah gives me a wide smile, her eyes excited and glowing.

"Of course!"

We all head straight to the back of the coach, because we did not want to listen to the teachers at the front for hours. We don't sit at the very back though.

Before I can't even work my cupid skills, Xavier beats me too it.

"I call dibs next to Grayson!" He seats himself at the window and Grayson laughs taking a seat next to him.

Thomas sits in-front of them and get this! He asks Savannah if she wants to sit with her. I didn't even need to play cupid. She looks at me and I nudge her on smiling mouthing go!!

And that means I have to sit with-

JAMESON. My heart races as I come to this realisation. I'm not complaining because I want to get to know him more. So I happily sit next to him, letting him take the window seat.

"I guess you're stuck with me." I jokingly say. Jameson laughs and shakes his head.

His phone rings suddenly and he gives me a look ti say sorry and answers it.

"Hey mum...yeah...yes I'll be there...another meeting...wait slow down...yes...no it's fine I'll get it done." He hangs up the phone and slumps in his seat, tilting his head back and closing his eyes.

"Everything okay?" I gently nudge his arm. He opens his eyes and looks at me in a way that makes me stomach flip.

"Yeah, I just can never catch a break."

I smile and start to rummage in my bag. He sits up, confused.

"What are you..."

"I have the perfect distraction." He smiles and waits for me to pull out my earphones. "Here." I hand him the right ear and put in the left ear on myself.

"Music?" He smiles. I open Spotify and hand it to him.

"It always helps me when I feel stressed." I urge him to go through my playlists and queue up songs. He shakes his head laughing.

"I never really have time too-" he pauses a picks a few songs (he has good taste!) and music starts to fill my ears.

We sit like this for the whole journey, picking songs, laughing, and just enjoying eachothers company. As it grows dark I start to doze off into a sleep, but I try my best to stay awake. I hate sleeping on coaches, it's uncomfortable. But I give up, deciding to at least try, and I eventually fall asleep, the music still playing.


Second chapter because you guys have been so patient waiting, thank you <3

Don't be a silent reader, let me know what you think :)

Savannah and Thomas? Yes or no?

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 | ♛Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora