♛ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 ♛

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I sat tapping my phone case impatiently as I waited to be called onto the plane

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I sat tapping my phone case impatiently as I waited to be called onto the plane. Having to wake up at three am this morning was not ideal, but my parents insisted that this college was the best option for me.

To round up my whole situation, my parents -who happened to become multi-millionaires from their new designer company recently- have sent me off to attend a preppy rich school also known as: The Royal Academy of Lacuna.

Yes I said 'Royal'.  That alone says enough about how important the school is, it's the best in the country. Princes and Princesses attend this college as well as celebrities.

And then you have people like me.

A nobody whose parents just happen to be rich.

Oh, and did I mention they flew out a private jet from the college to come and collect me? Yeah. I do not belong here.

As I sit waiting for the jet to be ready for me, I can't help the sudden bubble of excitement building up inside me. The truth was, I didn't miss my friends from my old college. My friends, who I thought were my friends, turned out to be master manipulators, but the past can remain in the past for now.

I've recently noticed how sometimes stepping away from a situation can make you realise how bad it was, but at least I have started to slowly build my confidence back up brick by brick. And I told myself, that when I start this new college, I won't put up with any toxicity from anyone.

And so, I'm exited to have a fresh start. I needed to get my life back together and start to believe in myself more, so what better chance did I have than moving colleges?

However, part of the reason my parents sent me here is to 'get a grip on your grades.' Which is true...but I can dwell on that when my lessons start.

"Miss Rose, your passage is ready." I lurch out of my seat, snapping my head to locate where the voice had come from as I was brought out of my daydream. My heart rate slows and I let out a heavy breath I didn't know I was holding as I realised the voice belonged to no other then Richard.

Richard is my personal escort to my new school. He is old, maybe in his late fifties, with dark grey hair and stone blue eyes. He always looks so serious, but I didn't mind because he didn't seem to want to converse with me unless it was necessary. I let out an  awkward shaky laugh and surprise surprise, his face didn't even so much as flinch.

He looked bored.

"Okay, okay let's go." Abruptly, I stood from my chair, wanting to waste no more time in this stuffy seating area. Richard gave me a tight lipped smile -who knew!- as he nodded and stood too.

Honestly, at this point I was more excited to get onto the private jet, crash out and watch a movie. And maybe eat a few snacks too.

If there's free food then I'll take it.

Content with that thought, I stuffed my phone onto my jean pocket, ran my hands through my hair a few times which I'm sure did nothing, but hey, a girl can try, and made my way onto the jet.

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 | ♛Where stories live. Discover now