♛𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞♛

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I had the best sleep. Which is strange for someone who hates to fall asleep on a coach. I can feel something warm draped over me, a blanket maybe? My head is leaning on a very comfy pillow and I'm so annoyed I have woken up that I haven't even opened my eyes yet...

Wait...I don't have a pillow...or a coat.

I snap my eyes open as I come to the realisation. I don't move my head as I realise that I have been asleep with my head resting on Jameson's shoulder. I look down at the 'blanket' to see that it's one of his huge hoodies.

Oh no.

My heart is racing. Is he asleep too? I very carefully take a peak out from his hoodie and sure enough he is still awake. Does this guy ever sleep?

It's still a little light outside, but it will soon be dark. I finally decide to sit up when I hear the bus turn the corner into what seems like a services. FINALLY!!! Not to be dramatic but, these teachers have been keeping us in this stuffy coach for over five hours.

I turn to Jameson sheepishly. This is embarrassing.

"Good morning," Jamesons eyes sparkle as he grins at me, making my stomach flip. I give him a small embarrassed smile.

"Was I..." I point to his shoulder. "I mean..."

"Asleep on my shoulder the whole time?" He smirks and leans back against his chair. I start fiddling with my hair.

"Yeah..." I laugh. He hands me my earphones and phone with a small laugh. "Sorry about that."

I lock eyes with his ocean green ones, they're like magnets.

"I didn't mind." Oh? He didn't mind...I think my stomach flipped again.

We both turned as the bus suddenly stopped at the services. A teacher stands up from his chair and begins to address us.

"Okay guys. Everyone at the back hear me okay? Okay. We're having a quick stop. This is our only stop guys so please can everyone, yes EVERYONE exit the coach for a quick 15-20 minute break. There's toilets, shops and fast food places here. Please meet back here in 15-20 minutes. Any problems just ring the teachers number on you're lanyard that we will give to you on you're way out."

I take no time to hesitate. I jump up. Jameson follows suit. I see the twins, Xavier and Savannah do the same. It looks cold outside so I grab the hoodie Jameson laid over me and threw it on, aware of Jamesons eyes burning into the back on me.

As I begin walking towards the doors to get off the coach, I feel Jamesons hand gently touch my waist as he leans down to talk to me so no one else can hear.

"I'm going to need that one back you know," I can feel him grin as he says this and I turn, our faces merely inches apart. I smile at him, remembering I also didn't give back his last hoodie...it's actually packed in my bag. It's just so comfy! I need to really invest in buying hoodies where he does for now on.

"But I reallyyyy like this one." I pout at him. He pulls gently on the strings of the hoodie. He just shakes his head and grins in response as we both get off the coach, taking the lanyards given to us.

"Okay everyone! I vote we grab Chinese. I've been craving it all week." Xavier pouts and dramatically rubs his stomach. I already know Jameson is rolling his eyes next to me. He looks at us all expectedly.

"Sure, why not. You guys happy with that?" I shrug and address everyone. They all nod. The twins are half asleep. I smile when I see Tom and Savannah all cozy standing next to each other.

"Let's go!" Xavier grabs Grayson's hoodie and yanks him forward with him to walk, Savannah and Tom following suite with me and Jameson trailing behind.

Oh and can I mention that it is literally FREEZING. Just as I'm thinking about how cold it is it suddenly starts to pour it down with rain. Great.

I shiver and look over to Jameson next to me, to see he's already looking at me, his green eyes soft and caring. Rain droplets fall onto his hair and onto his long lashes, making him look even more gorgeous than he already is.

He reaches my hood gently with his hands and pulls it over my head to protect me a little from the rain, making me smile. I do the same with his, standing on my tippy toes to reach his, gently pulling it over his head too, his eyes intensely watching me the whole time.

I gently tug on his arm using his hoodie to signal us to continue walking, and we do.

I'm not sure if we're friends, but we're definitely getting somewhere. He's getting more comfortable talking to me and vice versa. It's nice, and I smile thinking about how much I didn't want to come to this school when right now, this has been the best decision of my life...so far.


We're sitting in a very chaotic takeout stall, the rest of our class dotted around the services.

"This is SOOO good" Xavier is devouring his Chinese like he hasn't eaten in months. We laugh, eating ours too.

"So guys." Thomas leans forward, folding his hands together in a very serious manner, his eyes excited and full of happiness. "I have an idea."

We all lean into the table, as if this is some secret we're all discussing.

"What is it?" Grayson looks at his brother sceptically, but his eyes say that whatever his brother has in mind, he will in no doubt take part. These two, honestly. Always up to something.

Thomas slowly looks at us all, making this seem very dramatic, but I love it.

"I say, when we get there, we pitch our tents as far away from everyone else. We find the spot closest to the lake that's there. That way, we can avoid them" he points towards ruby and Peter.

Since when did they become friends? They were sitting very close together in another stall, giggling and laughing. Anyone could tell how fake they both were being. What a great match. "And then" I direct my attention back to Thomas. "We can then have a great time without interference, and plus when we then leave to go to Jamie's place, we can sneak off without causing a scene."

"Why would we cause a scene?" I ask, tilting my head in confusion. I take another mouthful of food.

"Because, dearest Clara," I laugh at the fanciness. "Jamie here attracts a LOT of attention. And we don't want anyone to leak to the press that we have left the camp. Not that they can get into the camp anyway, but when we leave, we're vulnerable so we need to not draw attention or give away where we're going." Thomas finished his long explanation, smiling proudly as if he just write an A* English essay. I turn to Jameson for confirmation of what Thomas just said.

"It's true. If they know we've left they will follow us. Plus, I don't want any of you guys to being exposed to them, they'll do anything to get a story and that includes potential harm. We've been lucky so far to avoid them outside of school, but it's still a risk." I nod my head, thinking it over.

"Sound like a good plan to me then." I grin at Thomas as he smiles proudly, and eat the rest of my food.

Once we're back on the coach, we have another few hours to go until we reach the campsite and I cannot wait! Just thinking about how much fun we're about to have makes me dizzy with excitement.

Y'all icl I'm have so fun writing this book but i'm
re-reading some of these chapters thinking they're bad
so I'm going to try hard to make the rest of the book rlly good...
I guess what I'm trying to say is trust the process :') I'm new to
this so I'm trying!
This was mainly a filler chapter so enjoy for now :)

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 | ♛Where stories live. Discover now