♛ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 ♛

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I unlocked the door to my new dorm room after my little chat with the principle. He seemed nice enough, he gave me my keys and timetable and wished me the best of luck at this college. It turns out that the dorms have their own separate wing to the college building, so on my way (following a map I was given) I got to see quite a bit of the college as I made my way to my dorm room.

I signed as I immediately flopped onto my bed and was surprised how comfy it was. Well I wasn't sure what I was expecting but definitely not this.

My room was a nice size, and had a small walk in closet and bathroom. I gaped at the beautiful window seat on the wall opposite my bed, and a spark of inspiration filled me.

It's decorating time.

I grabbed my phone, scrolled through Spotify until I found a nice upbeat song, and got started.


Once I had finished decorating my dorm with some things that I brought especially for this (okay some would be an understatement, I may or may not have packed a whole separate suitcase...) but it made me feel a little more at home.

I smiled, proud of my decorating skills, and tapped my fingers against my phone case wondering what I should do now. I glanced at my little backpack on my bed that had my timetable in it.

I reached for the paper and scanned through my lessons. I also noticed that timings for breakfast, lunch and dinner were typed neatly in bold at the bottom of the paper.

My stomach grumbled at the thought of dinner. Sighing, I checked the time that dinner starts and saw that it starts at 7:00pm. In twenty minutes.

My heart rate immediately started to beat faster. Do I go? No. Wait, maybe? No, I should definitely just order take out.

My mind jumped back and forth until finally I shook myself out of my thoughts. This is a new start. I need this.

I had decided I will go to dinner and who knows, maybe I will make a couple of new friends.

I glanced at myself in my mirror to see if I looked presentable enough. I was thinking of taking a shower and getting changed, but my outfit I was currently in was nice. Casual, but smart.

I started at my reflection a little longer. I started to look at my face and noticed the tired bags under my eyes. My eyes looked tired, my skin looked washed out.

I shook myself out of my criticising as my eyes began to sting. Even though I had started to build up my confidence bit by bit, I would sometimes let it slip, like now, when I overthink about how I look and then it leads to even more overthinking.

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind, gave myself a small reassuring smile to my reflection in the mirror, and headed to the bathroom to wash my face and apply some mascara before heading down to dinner.


The cafeteria was huge. It looked like any normal cafeteria but twice the size.

Feeling a little out of place, I headed over to line up to grab some food, even though I'm pretty sure I've lost my appetite from the nerves.

Standing in the queue, I instantly whipped out my phone, wanting to distract myself and avoid the 'your the new girl' stares.

I know, I know, really smooth. I'm just bad in awkward situations...

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 | ♛Where stories live. Discover now