♛𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧♛

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Homework. I hate it.

I think I'm about to die from boredom sitting at this desk. I have always wanted to be one of those girls who study all the time and get great grades but I don't know how they do it.

If they have a some sort of secret I need to know now because this is not fun.

This essay assignment for my English class is due next week so I thought I should get a head start because I know I will thank my self later.

But, despite only writing...50 words, I shut my laptop and make my way to my wardrobe. I think that's enough work for today.

I sort through my clothes and pick out my nicest gym clothes. Glancing at my alarm clock I see that it's 10:00 pm. It's dark outside and the moon appears to be hiding behind a blanket of grey clouds.

I probably shouldn't be going for a run at this time at night but oh well, I need some air and time away from school.

I throw my hair into a messy bun and grab my AirPods and my phone before I exit my dorm room.

Personally, I love it at night. The stars and sky is so peaceful and comforting, it's like being in a whole other world.

I make my way towards the outskirts of the school, which is covered in thick woods that stretch on for acres of land.

The breeze feels gentle and soft on my face and for the first time I finally feel peaceful.

I don't usually feel homesick, but I had to admit I do feel a little alone here. Even though I have made friends, Savannah...the golden boys, that is, if they even count me as their friend.

Speaking of the golden boys, I'm so confused. Savannah says they don't talk to anyone, yet they talk to me. She says they are rude to everyone, but they were all super friendly with me. My question is why? I need to find that out, I decide to myself. But- maybe it's all an act. Maybe it's all fake and I'm just being messed around with. I swore to myself I wouldn't let people hurt me again, and so I can't help but think these boys are pulling some sick joke on me or something.

I spot a hill in the distance and decide to go up there. About 20 mins later I'm at the top and I spot a huge willow tree. In the silence of the night, I quietly take a seat, my back leaving against the tree with an amazing view of the school in front of me. The woods sit behind me, a welcoming blanket from the cold.

This is nice. I feel my phone vibrate next to me. I lazily turn the screen so I can see who it was. I open my messages:

Xavier ( the best guy EVER ) ❤️❤️

Xavier: meet us in the left wing, top turret. There's a key under the plant outside. Hurry.

That was it. What-

First of all, I cringe at the name. I don't remember ever giving him my phone, he must have sneakily done it. I shake my head laughing. My phone buzzes again.

Xavier: CLARA!! Don't ghost mee!!!!

Me: Xavier-

*incoming call from: Xavier ( the best guy EVER ) ❤️❤️*

I let out a heavy sigh and answer the phone.

"Yes?" I huff.

"Clara!! Hurryy" Xavier wines. Seriously?

"Okay okay! Give me a minute what's wrong-"

"Wait are you outside?" His voice sobers up and he sounds serious, and slightly confused.

"Yes. So your going to have to wait for me to get back and find this tower thing-"

"No no I need you to hurry quickly!!" I can tell from here he's pouting.


"Don't you love me Clara? I feel betrayed, broken-"



"Shush. I'm on my way. And don't be dramatic." I added to the end. Jeez I feel like I'm looking after a child.


"Bye Xavier-" And with that I hung up the phone. Okay where is this 'turret' he's talking about. My bone feel stiff as I stand up and I start my trek back to school.


I have circled the left wing twice. And too many times I had to hide from security patrolling the corridors. A heads up would have been nice.

But finally I turned a corner and found a circular wall with a wooden door on it, and took that as the right place.

I lifted the plant pot and found a small silver key under.

Quietly, I opened the door, cringing as it creaked open loudly. If I get caught I'm going to murder them.

I quickly slip inside and close the door behind me, leaving the key on a rocky stone that stuck out of the wall inside.

I look up. I think I'm about to pass out when I see the amount of steps I have to climb. Great. Why. Just why. Xavier better have a good reason for this.

Silently cursing the boys, I start my climb up the stairs.


Hey guys!!
I'm sorry I have been MIA for months, but I'm back!!
How is everyone?
This chapter is a little shorter but I needed to update so...
OMG and I came back to over 300 views omg I almost had a heart attack!!
Ily you all thank you so much <3

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 | ♛Where stories live. Discover now