Trail of Footprints

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Buscuit was away to visit his Brother with Atra. Me and Nana decided to split off from the others and go "real" shopping.

Nana:oh and this one! And this one!

She was throwing clothes in my face for me to carry.

Kiba:isn't this a little much?

I saw Buscuit and Atra outside talking to some guy in a suit. I looked back at Nana.

Nana:of course not. And don't worry you'll be getting some new stuff too


I looked out the window again and saw that Atra and Buscuit were gone.

Kiba:somethings up


Kiba:Buscuit and Atra were outside two minutes ago. They went into that ally with a shady guy in a suit

Nana:ah shit. I know those types, it was a set up

I dropped the clothes.

Kiba:let's go

We walked out and toward the ally.

Nana:you armed?

Kiba:don't need it

Nana:neither do I

She smiled and cracked her knuckles. We kept walking till we found Astras boot.

Kiba:they'll pay for this

Mikazuki:where are they

Nana:oh good you showed up

Mikazuki finally arrived with us.

???:hey your with Tekkadan

We saw a guy standing next to a door.


Me and Mikazuki walked toward him and beat him within an inch of his life.

Nana:damn boys. You make this look like art

She stepped on his neck, snapping it. I smiled at it. Mikazuki noticed me but I didn't try to hide it. I feel...alive! We beat every last one we found to death. We started kicking down doors until we found them.

Nana:hey fat boy! Little girl! Damn where are they

Mikazuki kicked in another door.

Buscuit:wait its us we're here!

Me and Nana walked over.

Kiba:you two okay?

Atra was bleeding from her nose.

Buscuit:I am but Atra

Atra:I'm fine okay I-hey Mika!

He picked her up.

Mikazuki:let's go

We started running.

Atra:what's the plan!?



We hoped a fence and a truck pulled up.

Orga:get in!

Orga and Eugene were in the back. We loaded in but Buscuit was stopped by his Brother.

Kiba:Buscuit hurry up!

Just when he was about to get in a gunshot went off. He got hit.


I grabbed him and pulled him in and we drove off. After making sure he was alright we went to where Kudelia was meant to be staying but she was gone.

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