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Mikazuki:you okay Kiba?

Kiba:fine. Your the one that looks worse off

Mikazuki:nah I'm good

He's lying. I could tell. We were walking back to base and we saw a truck. Atra's here.

Mikazuki:hey Atra

Kiba:you making deliveries again?

Atra:oh yeah. Are...you two okay?

Kiba:never better

Mikazuki:what he said thanks for asking. We're kinda in a hurry see ya later

We continued. I think she loves him...can't tell though.

Mikazuki:I'm gonna grab some food that Atra brought in. You hungry?

Kiba:I am

We walked through the base till we arrived at the crates.

Mikazuki:oh your still here

Kudelia and her friend were here.

Kudelia:thank you so much. I really appreciate your protecting me

Kiba:you don't have to thank us

We each picked up a crate.

Kudelia:but...because of me all those people died-

Kiba:this isn't because of you. They didn't die because of what you did...don't look down on our Comrades

We left.

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Kiaser.

I was sitting on a Mobile Worker looking at Kaiser. I was confused as to what it was...it felt really familiar when I was piloting it.

Oldman:hey Kiba

I turned to him.

Kiba:oh hey

Oldman:Atra's got some good food upstairs. Hot, you should get some


I stood up and walked.

Oldman:there some machines aren't they?


I feel like I'm...

???:fucking worthless boy...

Forgetting something.

Orga:hey Kiba

Before I could leave I turned to Orga who was with a few of the others and Mikazuki.


Orga:it's time

I sighed.


This place is ours now. We went up to the adults sleeping area and went inside. We had tied them up after they ate food with sedatives in them.

Orga:morning boys. Glad to see you enjoyed the food even with the sedatives

Captain:just what the hell do you think your doing!?

Orga walked forward.

Orga:let me make things clear. We're number one around here now

Captain:is that right did you pathetic pieces of trash forget who your dealing with?

Orga:we know who you are

I didn't learn names so I actually didn't.

Orage:you left our friends to die. Your all cowards

Captain:go to hell!

Iron Blooded Orphans x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now